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ISSN 2223-165X





Выпуск 25 (64) 2017
Contents Print

Gostieva L.K., Tsallagova Z.B. B. Kaloev’s Contribution to the Development of the Historiography of the Caucasian Studies Print

The article considers B. Kaloev's activities in the field of historiography of the Caucasian studies. His monographs and numerous articles on historiography of the Caucasus, in which the author advanced many remarkable thoughts thus giving new dimensions to the problems of Caucasian studies, are considered. In the monograph "V. F. Miller as a Caucasiologist (Research and Materials)" B. Kaloev gave a detailed account of the multi-faceted identity of this outstanding scientist and of his Caucasian and, namely, Ossetian studies. The particular emphasis is placed on inclusion in the monograph of letters of the representatives of the Ossetian intellectuals to V.F. Miller. In Kaloev's monograph "M.M. Kowalewski and his Researches of the Mountain People of the Caucasus" special attention is paid to M. M. Kowalewski’s Ossetian studies. The scientist’s study of ethnogenesis the Ossetian, of their social order and common law, material and spiritual culture, family and public life is analyzed. The work specifies the use by Kovalevskii in his fundamental work "Modern Custom and the Ancient Law" of the field materials collected in Ossetia. Kaloev's monograph "Vasily Ivanovich Abaev and Questions of Ethnography in his Works" is subjected to analysis. The diary, which Kaloev kept during his long-term communication with V.I. Abaev is published in the supplement to the book. The Kaloev’s article "A.F. Koni about the Caucasus" is analyzed, where the author has tried to estimate a contribution to the Caucasian studies of this outstanding lawyer and orator, scientist, literary critic, publicist and teacher. The historiographic sketch "A.I. Shyogren, Ethnographer, Caucasiologist" by Kaloev is studied in which contribution of the academician A. I. Shyogren into the field of ethnographic Caucasus studies is estimated. Also the articles about the famous caucasiologists with whom Kaloev cooperated are considered: V.K. Gardanov, L.I. Lavrov, M.O. Kosven, E.G. Pchelina. In these articles characteristics of scientific research of these scientists and their ideas within the context of developming science of the considered period are given. The conclusion is drawn on the significant contribution of B. Kaloev to development of Caucasian studies historiographics.

Keywords: B.A. Kaloev, Caucasian studies historiographics, Ossetian studies, ethnography, caucasiologists, V.F. Miller, M.M. Kovalevskii, V.I. Abaev.

Dzeranov T.E. B. Kaloev and his Study of Traditional Culture of Ossetians. Print

The article attempts to give comprehensive assessment of scientific creativity of B.A. Kaloev, one of the leading researchers of the XXth century ethnography. Scientific heritage of Kaloev encorporates diverse themes, forms and branches. In his works he explores the problems of history, anthropology and ethnography, historiography and Linguistics, folklore, religion and mythology, ethnographic research methodology. The main focus of his research was the traditional culture of the Ossetians, and those peoples whose history and culture have been linked to the Ossetian. By the beginning of the scientific activities of B. Kaloev our science has accumulated a wealth of material about Ossetia and Ossetians. Kaloyev systematised, analysed and gave his own scientific interpretation to the data obtained by his predecessors. Particular attention in the article is paid namely to this aspect of his scientific activity, devoted to individual studies of each of his predecessors, as a tribute to their work. Noting the great personal contribution of B.A.Kaloev into the science and creation of his own material database during his numerous expeditions, the author notes that the scientist comprehensively studied the culture and everyday life of the Ossetian ethnic group in general and separate affinity groups (subethnics), without which it was impossible to create a complete picture of national culture. The main subject of his studies was the traditional spiritual and material culture of the Ossetians. The scholar paid special attention to the various forms of religion from the simplest archaic to monotheistic, and proposed the scientific reconstruction of ancient religious system of the Ossetians, tracing its development from Scythian times till modern times.

Keywords: traditional culture, Ossetians, Alans, mythology, religion, outlook.

Chibirov L.A. B. Kaloev as Nartologist Print

The scientific heritage of B.A. Kaloev can hardly be regarded as not known, yet researchers of his creativity have paid insufficient attention to the investigations of the folklore material, conducted by the scientist at the intersection of Ethnology and folklore studies. The study of the heritage of Kaloev allows to raise the question about the significant contribution of the scientist, not only into the Caucasian, but also into ethnographic study of folklore, particularly in Nartology.  In this article the first attempt is undertaken to systematize the Narts’ studies of Kaloev, based on the following pattern: Narts’ epic publications; ethnographic works with broad involvement of Narts’ sagas, legends; lexicographic articles in encyclopedic publications; scientific editing and commenting Narts’ studies. This systematization of scientific publications allows access to the available material and fully explore Narts’ research of the scientist. Kaloev was not limited to the analysis of the texts of Ossetian Narts’ sagas, but compared them with the texts of other national versions of Nartiada and came to the conclusion that Ossetian Narts’ epos is distinguished by the unity of composition, the presence of a number of interesting cycles that do not exist in other national versions. Kaloev agrees with those scholars, who consider VIII—VII centuries BC being the initial stage of the epic formation, and shares the opinion of the researchers of the epic, who traced its nucleus to the Alanian era. The scientist proves that several eras are reflected in Narts’ legends, including the Mongolian period and believes that some legends were formed at the time when the ancestors of the Ossetians were settled far from the modern borders of Ossetia. Kaloev reviews and analyses the epic from the ethnographic point of view, finds a lot of parallels in the areas of cultural and social life of Ossetian and Narts’ society. Revealed similarities confirm the representativeness of the folklore-ethnographic material in an ethnogenetic research. Kaloev has significantly enriched the scientific Narts’ studies, contributed to folklore studies and to the ethnography of the Ossetians, in particular to the problem of the Scythian-Alanian-Ossetian continuity.

Keywords: Ethnography, Narts’ legends, ethnographic parallels, material and spiritual culture, ethnogenesis of Ossetians, Nartiada's versions.

Besolova E.B. Boris Alexandrovich Kaloev about Languages and Linguists. Print

Boris Alexandrovich Kaloyev is known to the scientific world as a tireless explorer-ethnologist, whose capital researches have become a groundwork for modern Caucasian studies. He conducted pioneer research in the field of Caucasian science and was distinguished by the breadth of his scientific interests, inquisitiveness, benevolence, individuality and deep understanding of the importance of a comprehensive study of the peoples of the Caucasus. The field material gathered by Professor Kaloyev for more than half a century, the identified archival and museum data, which became the basis of fundamental monographs, essays and many articles, cannot but give credence in and respect for the great worker of ethnographic science. But truly unique is the information scattered in Kaloyev’s works about the Ossetian language and linguists, with whom the scientist cooperated. The warmth and balance of his reviews, subtle humor and keen observation in these memories and assessments attract readers; create atmosphere of friendly communication. Kind friendship and long-term close communication between Kaloyev and Abaev had common ground: both of them were not armchair scientists, most of their works are based on the field material obtained in the places of Caucasian peoples residence; both of them took care to preserve their native language and considered a gradual transition to their historical self-name "Alans" to be their primary goal. The diary given as an appendix to Boris Alexandrovich's book "Vasily Ivanovich Abaev and questions of ethnography in his works", published on the centenary of the birth of an outstanding scientist, is invaluable. The book of Boris Alexandrovich on Hungarian Alans occupies prominent place among other works on this subject. In this book the attention of the reader is attracted by the subsection «"The Yass Dictionary" as an ethnographic source for the Alan-Ossetes"», in which there were about 40 Yas words in Latin script. The XV-th century glossary, supplied by a thorough analysis of Acad. J. Nemeth, was published first in Hungarian, then in German; and then from the latter was translated by V.I. Abaev into Russian with extensive comments.

Keywords: Ossetians, the sources of the Ossetian language, dictionaries, Russian scientists, folklore, nartology.

Fidarova R.Ya., Kajtova I.A. Philosophy of the Mountain Life in the North Caucasian Literatures and in Scientific Creativity of B. Kaloev. Print

Considering laws of gnoseology, we have to recognize that two types of knowledge historically are interwoven in a research of philosophy of mountaineers’ life: artistic, figurative knowledge and theoretical, scientific. The artistic and figurative knowledge as a more ancient, existing since primitive times reflects type of art consciousness in folklore, traditions of which in the knowledge of philosophy of mountain life have successfully been adopted by the North Caucasian literatures starting in the XIX-XXth centuries as, say, Ossetian, Kabardian, Ingush, etc. Theoretical, scientific research of the philosophy of the mountaineers’ life was successfully pioneered in the second half of the XIXth century by V. F. Miller and other Russian scientists and Ossetian historians-ethnographers, who have induced the development of national consciousness of the mountaineers. Traditions of these patriotically biased scientists was further developed by a big group of very educated and not less patriotically tuned researchers in the XX century. B.A. Kaloev, who has elaborated his own methodological approach to studying mountain life, the concept of philosophy of mountain life, is distinguished among them. The main essence of the methodological approach of Kaloev is that he considered social existence and public consciousness of the mountaineers as interconnected and interdependent phenomena making a whole, the complete system defining historically all philosophy of mountain life, which is brightly expressed in a way of spiritual development by the mountain people of the objective world, world of national reality.

Keywords: mountaine life, mountain family, patronymy, adat, hospitality, fraternization, blood feud, dedication of a horse to the dead ritual.

Chibirov A.L. Sarmatian Saga of Tadeusz Sulimirski. Print

These days in the European historiography there is a renewed interest in Sarmatians, their history and cultural heritage. Mysterious tribes of Sarmatians, who left their mark in European culture, always stirred imagination of European researches, who attempted to define cultural and ethnic continuity between the Iranian-speaking Nomads and European nations. This is partly due to the fact that some European peoples, especially the Poles, consider themselves to be the successors of Great Sarmatia, which, according to authors of the Antiquity, was located in the territory of what is now Eastern Europe. The first to write the most complete work on Sarmatians and their heritage was a Polish researcher T. Sulimirski. In the book titled «The Sarmatians» the whole bright palette of history of these peoples, their heritage in the history of Europe were presented. For the first time in the modern European history on the basis of the rich factual material the author investigated all stages of Sarmatian’s organization as of a tribal community, starting with the first records about them in the historical chronicles. The present article dwells upon a critical analysis of T. Sulimirski’s book in terms of the main tenets of the Soviet and Russian historiography.

Keywords: Sarmatians, Sauromatians, Alans, Iazyges, Aorsi, Siraks, Sulimirski, Bachrach.

Ognibene P. The Ancient Cities of Alans. Print

In the ancient Russian chronicles the Alanic town of Tetjakov / Dedjakov is mentioned twice: the first time in 1278 during the Mongol-Russian campaign against the Alans; the second time in 1318, when the chronicles described the murder of Michail of Tver’ near Tetjakov. Probably, at that time, the town was well-known because it was called “glorious Tetjakov”. In the record of 1318 we can find some important geographical references. By comparing the ancient Russian chronicles, we can determine a number of elements that, probably, were intended by the chroniclers to help the readers to locate this town, but in fact, with time most of them became obscure and now they are a puzzle difficult to be deciphered. However, from the XVIIIth century on, historians have tried to solve this problem and have discussed various locations of the town. In the XIXth and XXth centuries this work was continued and now there are some possible locations of this Alanic town. All these locations are disputable, as none of them fits all geographical and contextual elements listed in the chronicles, thus there is only partial concordance. At present the problem of the localization of Tetjakov / Dedjakov cannot be considered as solved. The aim of this article is not to give a new solution, but to analyze the identifications already proposed and critical discussion of their elements.

Keywords: Tetjakov, Dedjakov, Alans, Russian chronicles.

Kanukova Z.V., Tuaeva B.V., Plieva Z.T. Art Culture in the Processes of Formation of Civil Identity Print

This article deals with Russian art culture in the second half of the XIX-beginning of the XXth century as an important part of the historical experience of forming Russian civil nation in the Northern Caucasus. Relevance of the research is determined by the demand of the historical experience of socio-political and cultural integration of the peoples of the Northern Caucasus in the Russian society and State in modern processes of forming Russian civil identity. Today this problem became national public policy, whose objectives are harmonizing State, national and cultural interests of the peoples of the Russian Federation, creating conditions for the approval of public identity of the Russian nation. Urban space of North Caucasus with its cultural institutions (libraries, theatre, art exhibits, etc.) is regarded as an active sphere of Russian culture and the Russian language functioning. Based on archival sources and materials of periodical press the peculiarities of realizating functions of social integration and the historical continuity of artistic culture, its role in constructing citizenship and strengthening the Russian statehood in the North Caucasus are identified. Art culture as an important component of active and historical consciousness, however, was used not always consciously as an ideology tool of different political regimes. Researched historical experience suggests that social functions, forms and resources of artistic culture can be successfully used in the formation of the hierarchy of values in the modern society. Among the latter, along with the moral and aesthetic values the important role is allocated to the civil order, the key to which is the Russian civic identity. Media oriented modern society is a powerful resource for the replenishment of the collective cultural memory and historical tradition with new forms and symbols of the Russian culture, which promotes the preservation of the unity and integrity of the multiethnic Russian State.

Keywords: art culture, cultural institutions, public policy, the Russian statehood, civil identity.

Khubulova S.A., Gagloeva B.B. Life Strategies of the Civil War Veterans (on the Materials of North and South Ossetia) Print

This article deals with the process of intergrating former Red partisans of the North and South Ossetia into the New Economic Policy realities of the region. New archival documents have been introduced into the scientific circulation, which shed light on the life of the former combatants in the context of the transition to the new economic policy (NEP). For the first time the life strategies of combatants are examined, as well as their response to policy, causes and manifestations of opposition on the part of some veterans to abuses, which took place in the process of collectivization. The analysis of archival material provides the possibility to characterize the society of Red partisans as sustainable military brotherhood, which persisted, despite the divisive politics of partisan commissions attempting to grade participants of the civil war on their activity in combat operations, according to party affiliation, etc. The mechanisms of social support of Red partisans are explored. The question of party and state careers of the former Red partisans, who undoubtedly were of service to the new regime and as such could count on entering the political elite of the region, is reviewed. Ego-documents of the 1920-s enable to state that the majority of the combatants suffered psychological breakdowns due to the fact that the heroes, who were not sparing their lives during wartime, were being distanced from building the new society. Since their material, social status experienced no positive developments and the fact that they were at the lower end of the social ladder of the post-war society created labile environment, the depths of which produced dissatisfaction with their current situation, with the policy conducted and with the lack of promising prospects.

Keywords: Partizan, activities, career, learning, mood.

Dzadzieva E.A. The Memorial Space of the Great Patriotic War as a Source of Historical Memory: 4th Air Army. Print

The present article is a separate fragment of the overall analysis of the Republican Memorial space of the Great Patriotic war, as important ethical, historical and cultural and educational problems.  The article is devoted to the 4-th Air Army (AA) in the Northern Group of forces of the Transcaucasian Front, defendiong the Caucasus from the northern direction in the summer-autumn of 1942. Its purpose is to analyze one of the fragments of the martial path, of the 4-th AA during the Great Patriotic war and the characteristic locations of its location on the territory of North Ossetia, as of the objects that make up the Memorial space in the great patriotic war. Article does not purport to be a comprehensive analysis of the problem. The chosen approach is accounted for by the possibilities of the cognitive and emotional impact of the Memorial space in general and the Great Patriotic war, in particular, on the formation of civic consciousness and aesthetic priorities that, in conditions of the dominant mass culture and the loss of former values reduce the overall educational level and interest in the social sciences, primarily to history, is difficult to overestimate.  The content of the proposed work is built on two structural and chronological layers. The first briefly discusses the history of the 4-th AA and chronicle of its participation in the hostilities on the Tersky defensive line and near the outskirts of Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz). In the second task includes identifying, where possible, ground objects of dislocation of the 4-th AA in the territory of the Republic and characteristic of modern Republican Memorial space dedicated to the 4-th AA. Choice of perspective, as research in general, and the present fragment was stimulated by lack of reserach in this field. Since we are talking about aviation, the article also discusses memorial objects dedicated to pilots-fellow combatants on different fronts of the Great Patriotic war.  The results of the proposed work can be used by Republican administrations and structures, municipal organs, whose responsibilities include accounting and protection of memorial objects; the educational process in higher and secondary schools; also it can be helpful in compiling historical and cultural routes, guidebooks and maps. The study was conducted on the materials of the Central archive of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the author’s field expeditions, with partial use of archival materials stored in the RGBU “Heritage”

Keywords: memorial space of the Great Patriotic War, the Fourth Air Force, 76th area of airdrome basing, memorial object of ground basing, field airdrome, personalia memorials, memorial tablets.

Ktsoeva S.G. On the Problem of Ethnic and Religious Self-Identification of the Modern Ossetians Print

Religion as the most conservative form of public consciousness often acts like ethnical core: domination of religious consciousness in the society preserves its traditional character, therefore under the condition of increasing impact of globalization processes on public consciousness, weakening the position of traditional cultures the popularity of religion in the society, that tends to preserve its traditional character, objectively begins to grow. The religious views of contemporary Ossetians are controversial: among the representatives of the ethnos there is no common opinion about the religious affiliation of the people, their “title” religion. One part supports the idea of “national” Christianity appealing to the accepted Orthodoxy in Alanya in the Xth century. The other part is convinced that Ossetians are representatives of their own religion that preserved its originality in spite of the strong influence that the institutional religions had on it (mostly – Christianity, less – Islam). Obviously, the tendency to the revival of ethnical traditionalism in modern traditions is explained by the fact that the idea of the revival of ethno-religious traditionalism, which however is not viewed commonly, has prevailed in the society lately. Some people consider paganism to be the traditional religion of Ossetians. Others strongly disagree. According to the opinion of many ethnical representatives the protracted dispute about the Ossetian paganism does not contribute to the cultural consolidation of people, but only disunites them in the face of the threats in the period of postindustrial development of the world. What exactly is the subject of this discussion and what social realities caused it? What is the scientific basis of the strongly rival viewpoints? How right is it to use the term “paganism” characterizing the ethnical features of the Ossetian religion from the scientific point of view? Are there alternative categories in scienceto designate this phenomenon? The answers to these and a number of other questions can be found in this article.

Keywords: Ossetian, religion, heathendom, religious self-definition, religious world view, ethnic religion, folk religion.

Bulakh E.A., Gutieva E.T. Alanic Connection in Portuguese Heraldry. Print

The present research is carried out in the mainstream of the self-evident interest of the modern Ossetians to the history of their historical and linguistic ancestors - the medieval Alans, who advanced to the forefront of European history in the late Antiquity. The article discusses the content of the famous Portuguese legend about the creation of the Coimbra Coat of Arms, the former first capital of the country. According to the record in the first world history “Monarchia Lusytana”, created in Portugal in the XVI-XVII centuries, the Alanic king of the 5th Century Atashes, responsible for the destruction of the old city and the construction of Coimbra itself, commissioned creating the coat of arms, and it depicts his bride, the daughter of the defeated king of the Sueves. On both sides of the princess there are heraldic symbols generally considered to belong to Alans and Sueves. There are certain ground to presume, that this fairly historical legend mistakenly attributes the dragon to the Sueves, in which case we may reconsider the distribution of symbolic animals, as it is known, what important place in the attributes of Iranian-speaking Sarmatians and Alans was occupied by a dragon, whose image in this coat of arms is attributed to the Sueves. In addition, the analysis of the names of the protagonists shows that the name of the main female character, Sindizunda / Chindizunda, may be regarded as unhistorical and, possibly, emerged as a result of contamination with the name of the Visigothic King of Hispania of the VIIth century Chindaswind. The non-preservation of the name of the princess in the annals of history or her misrepresentation in the folklore memory accords with a fairly common gender asymmetric practice in relation to female anthroponyms.

Keywords: Great Migration of Peoples, Alans, Vandals, Sueves, anthroponyms, heraldic symbols, city coat of arms.

Dzittsoity Yu. Digoron-Kudar Isoglosses in Toponymy of South Ossetia. Print

The present article deals with the toponyms of South Ossetia, which have convincing parallels in appellatives of the Digoron dialect of the Ossetic language. The author concludes that previously respective lexemes might have existed in the South Ossetian dialects too, but at some stage ceased to be used and became extinct. In respect of geography Digoron-Kudar isolexes embrace all districts of South Ossetia. Their presence in South Ossetian toponymy testifies to the antiquity of formation of the southern branch of the Ossetian people. The same isoglottic lines are important for solving the problems of the historical dialectology of the Ossetic. It is noteworthy that some of these isoglosses are found in the Georgian toponymy of the area. In most cases the South Ossetian toponyms find a match in the appellative vocabulary of the Digoron dialect. But in some cases toponyms from South Ossetia correspond to consonant toponyms from Digoria. The existence of Digoron-Tual isoglosses in the area of the Iron dialect attests to a single cultural and linguistic continuum from Digoria to Leningor district of South Ossetia. According to the author, the rupture of historical ties between Digoron and Kudar dialects could occur after the Tatar-Mongol invasion, when a huge wave of Irons from the plains of Alania found refuge in the mountains of present-day North Ossetia. The Digoron-Kudar isoglosses have predominantly Iranian etymologies. One of them (typpyr) is possibly of Turkish origin. Another one (Sataltæ) could have been borrowed from Georgian. The origin of some toponyms (e.g. Saγo) remains unclear. Part of the Digoron-Kudar isoglosses is based on anthroponyms.

Keywords: Ossetian dialects, toponymy, South Ossetia, isoglottic lines.

Mzokov A.B. New Сontribution to Khetagurov’s Studies. Print

In this publication the contribution to modern Khetagurov Studies of two scientists from different areas of science – the historian-archivist I.S. Bigulayeva and the Ossetian language philologist I. V. Mamiyeva  – is analyzed. Two factors account for the motivation uniting and stimulating scientific works of these researchers: subjective and personal awareness of the greatness of Kosta Khetagurov and the need for expansion the range of research of his life and of his creativity. Its significant result, in one case, is on a strict scientific basis constructing the biography of the poet as the stages of spiritual and moral formation of the personality in historical space. By scrupulous, consecutive search in the Republic’s archives of the documentary confirmations, their careful analysis and systematization, alongside with specification and addition, which are already available in the studies of the biographic data, I. S. Bigulayeva added many new valuable pages, thus significantly expanding and enriching reader's perception of the identity of the artist. The special tonality of a statement as result of presence in the scientific narrative of the emotive stream fed by "patrimonial" memory of the author’s family bond with Kosta is highlighted. As for the scientific contribution of I.V.Mamiyeva to the modern Khetagurov Studies, it is connected with the first experience of the lingvo-, ethno- , culture- description of K. Khetagurov’s lexicon of "Iron Fandyr". Theoretical novelty of this work lies in the development of original concept of the author's dictionary in which elements of cocncordance, ideographic, bilingual dictionaries with grammatical characteristics and a frequency glossary are synthesized. As a kind of research most important task is considered an author's idea to reconstrust a language image of the world of the person of the "era of Kosta", i.e. the second half of the XIX century, namely: features of his mentality, standards of behavior, subject and environment, household circumstances and axiological scale. The contents and structure of monographic works of I. S. Bigulayeva and I. V. Mamiyeva allow to qualify them as the new word in Khetagurov’s studies corresponding to the modern level of development of interdisciplinary researches.

Keywords: Khetagurov studies, scientific biography, archive material, lexicography, concept of author's dictionary, synthetic type, interdisciplinary study.

Dzlieva D.M., Alankus S. Musical and Poetic Features of Calendar-Ritual Folklore of Ossetians. Print

The Ossetian people’s musical calendar folklore has never been the subject of a special study. This article probes into the ethnomusicological field, which studies folk music culture in a broad ethnocultural context. The article explores the corpus of songs related to various rituals of the national calendar, which reflect the ancient religious ideas and beliefs of the people. Text sources were collections of "Iron Adæmon Sfældystad", "Ossetian Folk Art Monuments", as well as Scientific Archive NOIHSS materials and our own field researches. The article’s aim is to reveal the composition of the song cycles within the framework of the Ossetian people's calendar, to determine their genre classification, and to systematize the available material. In the study, the poetic texts analysis identified the main characteristics of the Ossetian calendar-ritual poetry. General observations are related to the dynamics of the historical development of the studied genres associated with the change of the authentic forms of existence in the secondary. The entire Ossetian calendar’s songs repertoire is performed in a traditional Ossetian vocal manner of basic two-part musical texture with Bourdon bass. Musical and stylistic features of each of the calendar ceremonial genres uniform typological relation, due to the similarity of their functions. The calendar and ceremonial songs’ unity is found not only in the musical style, but also at other levels of artistic organizations. In each of the three selected genres, we can discuss the musical and poetic regularities, characteristic for the entire corpus of the designated genre, regardless of the season. In our opinion, calendar and ritual musical folklore can be revived in the structure of Ossetian rituals on a new spiral of its historical development and in forms adequate to the nature of folklore. This seems to be the possible practical value of the developments carried out in this study.

Keywords: musical folklore, people's calendar of Ossetians, calendar-ritual songs, Ossetian ethnomusicology.

Darchiev A.V. From Materials of Archaeological and Ethnographic Expeditions of A.A. Miller to North Ossetia (1923-1928). Print

The submitted documents were extracted from the materials of A.A. Miller's expeditions to North Ossetia (1923-1928). The texts refer to the expedition in Galiat village, where A.A. Miller has recorded information about the sanctuary Tamar Dzuar (Uzi Dzuar) not found in other sources. Information is provided on the beliefs associated with thunderstorms and the ritual performed, when a person is struck by lightning. During the expedition to North Ossetia in 1928, A.A. Miller sketched the objects from the sanctuary Rekom: the outer door, shuttered window, diamond-shaped arrowheads. These drawings contain details that are not known from other images, and therefore can contribute to a more accurate reconstruction of the corresponding elements of the sanctuary.

Keywords: A.A. Miller, Tamar Dzuar, tsoppaj, Galiat, Rekom.



Alankus Sevda – doctor of sociology, professor, dean of the Faculty of communication, University of Kadir Has (Istanbul, Turkey); This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Besolova Elena Butusovna – doctor of philological sciences, head of the Department of Linguistics, V. I. Abaev North-Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Bulakh Elena – PhD in linguistics, lecturer of the course “Russian language and Culture” at SOCIUS – ISEG, Lisbon University (Lisbon, Portugal); This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Chibirov Alexey Ludvigovich – candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher, V.I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of VSC of RAS; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Chibirov Lyudvig Alexeevich – doctor of historical sciences, head of the ethnology department, V.I. Abaev North-Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of VSC of RAS; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Darchiev Anzor Valerievich – candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher, V. I. Abaev North-Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Dzadzieva Elizaveta Alexandrovna – researcher, Institute of history and archaeology of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Dzeranov Timur Efimovich – candidate of philosophical sciences, senior researcher, V. I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Dzitstsoyty Yuri Albertovich – candidate of historical sciences, docent, head of the Department of Ossetian language and General linguistics, A. A. Tibilov South Ossetian State University; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Dzlieva Dzerassa Mairamovna — candidate of history of Art, researcher, V. I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS;  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Fidarova Rima Yaponovna — doctor of philological sciences, professor, head researcher, V. I. Abaev North-Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of VSC of RAS;  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Gagloeva Bela Botazovna – senior lecturer, A.A. Tibilov South Ossetian State University (Tskhinval, South Ossetia); This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Gostieva Larisa Kazbekovna – candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher, V. I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Gutieva Elmira Tamerlanovna – researcher, V. I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Kaitova Irina Anatolievna – candidate of philological sciences, docent, K. L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Kanukova Zalina Vladimirovna – doctor of historical sciences, professor, director of the V. I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Khubulova Svetlana Alexeevna – doctor of historical sciences, professor, K. L. Khetagurov North-Ossetian State University; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Ktsoeva Sultana Gilmidinovna – doctor of historical sciences, senior researcher, V.I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Mzokov Aslanbek Bechmurzaevich – candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher-methodologist of the highest category, teacher of Russian language and literature, Mizur School of the Alagir district of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Ognibene Paolo – PhD, adjunct professor and assistant researcher at the Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna (Italy); This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Plieva Zalina Timurovna – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, dean of the Faculty of History, K.L. Khetagurov North-Ossetian State University; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tsallagova Zarifa Borisovna – doctor of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher, Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tuaeva Berta Vladimirovna – doctor of historical sciences, professor, vice-rector for scientific activities, K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it