In this publication the contribution to modern Khetagurov Studies of two scientists from different areas of science – the historian-archivist I.S. Bigulayeva and the Ossetian language philologist I. V. Mamiyeva – is analyzed. Two factors account for the motivation uniting and stimulating scientific works of these researchers: subjective and personal awareness of the greatness of Kosta Khetagurov and the need for expansion the range of research of his life and of his creativity. Its significant result, in one case, is on a strict scientific basis constructing the biography of the poet as the stages of spiritual and moral formation of the personality in historical space. By scrupulous, consecutive search in the Republic’s archives of the documentary confirmations, their careful analysis and systematization, alongside with specification and addition, which are already available in the studies of the biographic data, I. S. Bigulayeva added many new valuable pages, thus significantly expanding and enriching reader's perception of the identity of the artist. The special tonality of a statement as result of presence in the scientific narrative of the emotive stream fed by "patrimonial" memory of the author’s family bond with Kosta is highlighted. As for the scientific contribution of I.V.Mamiyeva to the modern Khetagurov Studies, it is connected with the first experience of the lingvo-, ethno- , culture- description of K. Khetagurov’s lexicon of "Iron Fandyr". Theoretical novelty of this work lies in the development of original concept of the author's dictionary in which elements of cocncordance, ideographic, bilingual dictionaries with grammatical characteristics and a frequency glossary are synthesized. As a kind of research most important task is considered an author's idea to reconstrust a language image of the world of the person of the "era of Kosta", i.e. the second half of the XIX century, namely: features of his mentality, standards of behavior, subject and environment, household circumstances and axiological scale. The contents and structure of monographic works of I. S. Bigulayeva and I. V. Mamiyeva allow to qualify them as the new word in Khetagurov’s studies corresponding to the modern level of development of interdisciplinary researches.
Keywords: Khetagurov studies, scientific biography, archive material, lexicography, concept of author's dictionary, synthetic type, interdisciplinary study.
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