Khubulova S.A., Gagloeva B.B. Life Strategies of the Civil War Veterans (on the Materials of North and South Ossetia) |
This article deals with the process of intergrating former Red partisans of the North and South Ossetia into the New Economic Policy realities of the region. New archival documents have been introduced into the scientific circulation, which shed light on the life of the former combatants in the context of the transition to the new economic policy (NEP). For the first time the life strategies of combatants are examined, as well as their response to policy, causes and manifestations of opposition on the part of some veterans to abuses, which took place in the process of collectivization. The analysis of archival material provides the possibility to characterize the society of Red partisans as sustainable military brotherhood, which persisted, despite the divisive politics of partisan commissions attempting to grade participants of the civil war on their activity in combat operations, according to party affiliation, etc. The mechanisms of social support of Red partisans are explored. The question of party and state careers of the former Red partisans, who undoubtedly were of service to the new regime and as such could count on entering the political elite of the region, is reviewed. Ego-documents of the 1920-s enable to state that the majority of the combatants suffered psychological breakdowns due to the fact that the heroes, who were not sparing their lives during wartime, were being distanced from building the new society. Since their material, social status experienced no positive developments and the fact that they were at the lower end of the social ladder of the post-war society created labile environment, the depths of which produced dissatisfaction with their current situation, with the policy conducted and with the lack of promising prospects. Keywords: Partizan, activities, career, learning, mood.
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