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ISSN 2223-165X





Ognibene P. The Ancient Cities of Alans. Print

In the ancient Russian chronicles the Alanic town of Tetjakov / Dedjakov is mentioned twice: the first time in 1278 during the Mongol-Russian campaign against the Alans; the second time in 1318, when the chronicles described the murder of Michail of Tver’ near Tetjakov. Probably, at that time, the town was well-known because it was called “glorious Tetjakov”. In the record of 1318 we can find some important geographical references. By comparing the ancient Russian chronicles, we can determine a number of elements that, probably, were intended by the chroniclers to help the readers to locate this town, but in fact, with time most of them became obscure and now they are a puzzle difficult to be deciphered. However, from the XVIIIth century on, historians have tried to solve this problem and have discussed various locations of the town. In the XIXth and XXth centuries this work was continued and now there are some possible locations of this Alanic town. All these locations are disputable, as none of them fits all geographical and contextual elements listed in the chronicles, thus there is only partial concordance. At present the problem of the localization of Tetjakov / Dedjakov cannot be considered as solved. The aim of this article is not to give a new solution, but to analyze the identifications already proposed and critical discussion of their elements.

Keywords: Tetjakov, Dedjakov, Alans, Russian chronicles.


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