The submitted documents were extracted from the materials of A.A. Miller's expeditions to North Ossetia (1923-1928). The texts refer to the expedition in Galiat village, where A.A. Miller has recorded information about the sanctuary Tamar Dzuar (Uzi Dzuar) not found in other sources. Information is provided on the beliefs associated with thunderstorms and the ritual performed, when a person is struck by lightning. During the expedition to North Ossetia in 1928, A.A. Miller sketched the objects from the sanctuary Rekom: the outer door, shuttered window, diamond-shaped arrowheads. These drawings contain details that are not known from other images, and therefore can contribute to a more accurate reconstruction of the corresponding elements of the sanctuary.
Keywords: A.A. Miller, Tamar Dzuar, tsoppaj, Galiat, Rekom.
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