Gostieva L.K., Tsallagova Z.B. B. Kaloev’s Contribution to the Development of the Historiography of the Caucasian Studies |
The article considers B. Kaloev's activities in the field of historiography of the Caucasian studies. His monographs and numerous articles on historiography of the Caucasus, in which the author advanced many remarkable thoughts thus giving new dimensions to the problems of Caucasian studies, are considered. In the monograph "V. F. Miller as a Caucasiologist (Research and Materials)" B. Kaloev gave a detailed account of the multi-faceted identity of this outstanding scientist and of his Caucasian and, namely, Ossetian studies. The particular emphasis is placed on inclusion in the monograph of letters of the representatives of the Ossetian intellectuals to V.F. Miller. In Kaloev's monograph "M.M. Kowalewski and his Researches of the Mountain People of the Caucasus" special attention is paid to M. M. Kowalewski’s Ossetian studies. The scientist’s study of ethnogenesis the Ossetian, of their social order and common law, material and spiritual culture, family and public life is analyzed. The work specifies the use by Kovalevskii in his fundamental work "Modern Custom and the Ancient Law" of the field materials collected in Ossetia. Kaloev's monograph "Vasily Ivanovich Abaev and Questions of Ethnography in his Works" is subjected to analysis. The diary, which Kaloev kept during his long-term communication with V.I. Abaev is published in the supplement to the book. The Kaloev’s article "A.F. Koni about the Caucasus" is analyzed, where the author has tried to estimate a contribution to the Caucasian studies of this outstanding lawyer and orator, scientist, literary critic, publicist and teacher. The historiographic sketch "A.I. Shyogren, Ethnographer, Caucasiologist" by Kaloev is studied in which contribution of the academician A. I. Shyogren into the field of ethnographic Caucasus studies is estimated. Also the articles about the famous caucasiologists with whom Kaloev cooperated are considered: V.K. Gardanov, L.I. Lavrov, M.O. Kosven, E.G. Pchelina. In these articles characteristics of scientific research of these scientists and their ideas within the context of developming science of the considered period are given. The conclusion is drawn on the significant contribution of B. Kaloev to development of Caucasian studies historiographics. Keywords: B.A. Kaloev, Caucasian studies historiographics, Ossetian studies, ethnography, caucasiologists, V.F. Miller, M.M. Kovalevskii, V.I. Abaev.
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