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Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)
ISSN 2223-165X





Dzadzieva E.A. The Memorial Space of the Great Patriotic War as a Source of Historical Memory: 4th Air Army. Print

The present article is a separate fragment of the overall analysis of the Republican Memorial space of the Great Patriotic war, as important ethical, historical and cultural and educational problems.  The article is devoted to the 4-th Air Army (AA) in the Northern Group of forces of the Transcaucasian Front, defendiong the Caucasus from the northern direction in the summer-autumn of 1942. Its purpose is to analyze one of the fragments of the martial path, of the 4-th AA during the Great Patriotic war and the characteristic locations of its location on the territory of North Ossetia, as of the objects that make up the Memorial space in the great patriotic war. Article does not purport to be a comprehensive analysis of the problem. The chosen approach is accounted for by the possibilities of the cognitive and emotional impact of the Memorial space in general and the Great Patriotic war, in particular, on the formation of civic consciousness and aesthetic priorities that, in conditions of the dominant mass culture and the loss of former values reduce the overall educational level and interest in the social sciences, primarily to history, is difficult to overestimate.  The content of the proposed work is built on two structural and chronological layers. The first briefly discusses the history of the 4-th AA and chronicle of its participation in the hostilities on the Tersky defensive line and near the outskirts of Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz). In the second task includes identifying, where possible, ground objects of dislocation of the 4-th AA in the territory of the Republic and characteristic of modern Republican Memorial space dedicated to the 4-th AA. Choice of perspective, as research in general, and the present fragment was stimulated by lack of reserach in this field. Since we are talking about aviation, the article also discusses memorial objects dedicated to pilots-fellow combatants on different fronts of the Great Patriotic war.  The results of the proposed work can be used by Republican administrations and structures, municipal organs, whose responsibilities include accounting and protection of memorial objects; the educational process in higher and secondary schools; also it can be helpful in compiling historical and cultural routes, guidebooks and maps. The study was conducted on the materials of the Central archive of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the author’s field expeditions, with partial use of archival materials stored in the RGBU “Heritage”

Keywords: memorial space of the Great Patriotic War, the Fourth Air Force, 76th area of airdrome basing, memorial object of ground basing, field airdrome, personalia memorials, memorial tablets.



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