Fidarova R.Ya., Kajtova I.A. Philosophy of the Mountain Life in the North Caucasian Literatures and in Scientific Creativity of B. Kaloev. |
Considering laws of gnoseology, we have to recognize that two types of knowledge historically are interwoven in a research of philosophy of mountaineers’ life: artistic, figurative knowledge and theoretical, scientific. The artistic and figurative knowledge as a more ancient, existing since primitive times reflects type of art consciousness in folklore, traditions of which in the knowledge of philosophy of mountain life have successfully been adopted by the North Caucasian literatures starting in the XIX-XXth centuries as, say, Ossetian, Kabardian, Ingush, etc. Theoretical, scientific research of the philosophy of the mountaineers’ life was successfully pioneered in the second half of the XIXth century by V. F. Miller and other Russian scientists and Ossetian historians-ethnographers, who have induced the development of national consciousness of the mountaineers. Traditions of these patriotically biased scientists was further developed by a big group of very educated and not less patriotically tuned researchers in the XX century. B.A. Kaloev, who has elaborated his own methodological approach to studying mountain life, the concept of philosophy of mountain life, is distinguished among them. The main essence of the methodological approach of Kaloev is that he considered social existence and public consciousness of the mountaineers as interconnected and interdependent phenomena making a whole, the complete system defining historically all philosophy of mountain life, which is brightly expressed in a way of spiritual development by the mountain people of the objective world, world of national reality. Keywords: mountaine life, mountain family, patronymy, adat, hospitality, fraternization, blood feud, dedication of a horse to the dead ritual.