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ISSN 2223-165X





Dzittsoity Yu. Digoron-Kudar Isoglosses in Toponymy of South Ossetia. Print

The present article deals with the toponyms of South Ossetia, which have convincing parallels in appellatives of the Digoron dialect of the Ossetic language. The author concludes that previously respective lexemes might have existed in the South Ossetian dialects too, but at some stage ceased to be used and became extinct. In respect of geography Digoron-Kudar isolexes embrace all districts of South Ossetia. Their presence in South Ossetian toponymy testifies to the antiquity of formation of the southern branch of the Ossetian people. The same isoglottic lines are important for solving the problems of the historical dialectology of the Ossetic. It is noteworthy that some of these isoglosses are found in the Georgian toponymy of the area. In most cases the South Ossetian toponyms find a match in the appellative vocabulary of the Digoron dialect. But in some cases toponyms from South Ossetia correspond to consonant toponyms from Digoria. The existence of Digoron-Tual isoglosses in the area of the Iron dialect attests to a single cultural and linguistic continuum from Digoria to Leningor district of South Ossetia. According to the author, the rupture of historical ties between Digoron and Kudar dialects could occur after the Tatar-Mongol invasion, when a huge wave of Irons from the plains of Alania found refuge in the mountains of present-day North Ossetia. The Digoron-Kudar isoglosses have predominantly Iranian etymologies. One of them (typpyr) is possibly of Turkish origin. Another one (Sataltæ) could have been borrowed from Georgian. The origin of some toponyms (e.g. Saγo) remains unclear. Part of the Digoron-Kudar isoglosses is based on anthroponyms.

Keywords: Ossetian dialects, toponymy, South Ossetia, isoglottic lines.



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