Kanukova Z.V., Tuaeva B.V., Plieva Z.T. Art Culture in the Processes of Formation of Civil Identity |
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This article deals with Russian art culture in the second half of the XIX-beginning of the XXth century as an important part of the historical experience of forming Russian civil nation in the Northern Caucasus. Relevance of the research is determined by the demand of the historical experience of socio-political and cultural integration of the peoples of the Northern Caucasus in the Russian society and State in modern processes of forming Russian civil identity. Today this problem became national public policy, whose objectives are harmonizing State, national and cultural interests of the peoples of the Russian Federation, creating conditions for the approval of public identity of the Russian nation. Urban space of North Caucasus with its cultural institutions (libraries, theatre, art exhibits, etc.) is regarded as an active sphere of Russian culture and the Russian language functioning. Based on archival sources and materials of periodical press the peculiarities of realizating functions of social integration and the historical continuity of artistic culture, its role in constructing citizenship and strengthening the Russian statehood in the North Caucasus are identified. Art culture as an important component of active and historical consciousness, however, was used not always consciously as an ideology tool of different political regimes. Researched historical experience suggests that social functions, forms and resources of artistic culture can be successfully used in the formation of the hierarchy of values in the modern society. Among the latter, along with the moral and aesthetic values the important role is allocated to the civil order, the key to which is the Russian civic identity. Media oriented modern society is a powerful resource for the replenishment of the collective cultural memory and historical tradition with new forms and symbols of the Russian culture, which promotes the preservation of the unity and integrity of the multiethnic Russian State. Keywords: art culture, cultural institutions, public policy, the Russian statehood, civil identity.
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