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Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)
ISSN 2223-165X





Glotova T.A., Sinyanskaya V.I. Phraseological Metamorphoses in Irlan Khugaev’s Poems: Traditions and Innovations Print

DOI 10.23671/VNC.2018.66.11470

The article represents the analysis of the individual variation of phraseological units in the poems of Irlan Khugaev. Phraseological units frequently and habitually used in speech tend to lose their primary expressivity, whereas their occasional and creative transformation forms stylistic devices that revive their novelty and originality. In modern linguistic researches it has repeatedly been noted that the individual author's transformation of phraseological units is an effective technique not only to revive their inner form, but to disclose the semantic potential of their constituent components. As such, the occasional usage of phraseological units intensifies their potential creative qualities. Identification of phraseological transformations, that accord to the author’s intentions, allows distinguish two forms of occasional use of phraseological units in the poems of Irlan Khugaev: their actualization and transformation, which create an emotional impact. The present analysis of phraseological composition in the poetry of Irlan Khugaev has revealed the writer’s stylistic idiosyncrasy that resists standardized phraseological semantics and aims at enhancing the expressiveness of phraseological units, and renovating and strengthening their philosophical meaning, therefore, a distinctive feature of the use of phraseological units in the poetry of Irlan Khugaev – a large number of modified phraseological units. It is possible to allocate a wide range of semantic and structural-semantic transformations of phraseological units, which in the poetry of Khugaev perform artistic and aesthetic functions and become vivid figurative-expressive means. Along with the above-mentioned functions the profound aphoristic nature of the poetry of Irlan Khugaev should be marked, which enriches his poetry with additional connotations and deep implications.

Keywords: phraseological units, individual authorial variation, phraseological transformations, transformation in context, actualization of semantics.



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