Glotova T.A. Repetition as a Unique Means of Text Formation in the Poetry of I. Khugaev |
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The article considers repetition as a means of systemic organization in poetry of Irlan Khugaev. Being as feature of functioning language system, repetition remains in the centre of linguistics, where it is regarded as a means of arrangement and harmonization of text. Application of linguistic analysis to repetition allows considering it within the composition of narrative. Repetition represents an important factor in the structure of poetry, as it organizes the motifs and images in the poetic text and gives an insight on semantic and stylistic system employed by the author. Various types of repetition as the author’s original principles of poetic arrangement were identified in the poem sunder analysis. Repetition in Khugaev’s poems contributes to the development of the poetic text and makes it more appealing to the reader. Key words: repetition, mechanism of text formation, lyrical subject, language units, poetic paradigm. References: 1. Nadezhdin A.M. Kornevoi povtor v khudozhestvennoi rechi M.I. Tsvetaevoi [Route repetitions in fiction texts of Marina Tsvetaeva]. Candidate dissertation in philology. Nizhnii Novgorod, 2015. 208 p. 2. Yakobson R.O. Poeziya grammatiki i grammatika poezii. Semiotika [The poetry of grammar and the grammar of poetry. Semiotics]. Moscow, 1983, pp. 462-483. 3. Lukin V.A. Khudozhestvennyi tekst: osnovy lingvisticheskoi teorii i elementy analiza [Fiction narrative: the principles of linguistic theory and elements of analysis]. Moscow, Axis-89, 1999. 192 p. 4. Khugaev I.S. Verigi voli: kniga stikhov i stikhii [The chains of will: a book of verses and forces]. Vladikavkaz: Ir Publishing house, 2013. 240 p. 5. Glotova T.A. Verbal'nye sredstva emotsional'nogo vozdeistviya v poezii Irlana Khugaeva [Verbal means of emotive affect in the poetry of Irlan Khugaev]. Aktual'nye napravleniya nauchnykh issledovanii: ot teorii k praktike: materialy VIII Mezhdunar. nauch.–prakt. konf. (Cheboksary, 8 maya 2016 g.) [Actual directs of scientific research: from theory to practice. The outcomes of the VIII-th international conference in Cheboksary, May 8, 2016. In 2 vols. Ed. O.N. Shirikov and others]. Cheboksary, Interaktiv plus Publishing house, 2016, vol. 2, no. 2(8), pp. 85–93. 6. Kulikova Z.P. Povtor kak sredstvo ekspressivnosti i garmonizatsii poeticheskikh tekstov M. Tsvetaevoii R.M. Ril'ke [Repetition as a means of expressiveness and harmonization of poems by M. Tsvetaeva and R.M. Rilke]. Thesis abstract of the candidate dissertation (in Philology). Rostov-on-Don, 2007. 29 p. 7. BochkarevaYu.E. Variativnye leksicheskie povtory kak sredstvo regulyativnosti v lirike M. Tsvetaevoi [Variative lexical repetitions as a means of regulation in the lyrics of M. Tsvetaeva]. Thesis abstract of the candidate dissertation (in Philology). Tomsk, 2004. 22 p. |