Fidarova R.Ya., Kaytova I.A. The Concept of a Historical Typology of Realism in the Ossetian Literature |
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At the present stage of the development of the Ossetian literary studies, as part of the Ossetian studies, the formation of a theoretically and methodologically based concept of the historical development of realism in the artistic consciousness of the Ossetians, the definition of the stages of its genesis, formation and development, formation of the concept of historical typology of realism have particular relevance. The solution of this scientific problem is the purpose of the present article. The authors come from a major methodological setup according to which two processes: the development of the artistic consciousness and the development of realistic types of thinking are always interconnected and interdependent in the history of Ossetian culture. Moreover, realistic method defines the conceptual essence of the artistic culture and artistic consciousness of the Ossetians; it is reflected throughout the social history of the Ossetian people. In addition, the authors take into account the methodologically important assumption of the scientific aesthetics that in the formation of the rational paradigm of the historical formation and development of the artistic consciousness of the Ossetians and their ancestors creative unity of a triad is implemented in the artistic consciousness in the specific form: local nature, society and the nature of Ossetian people, the latter is the subject with specifics of creative thinking, consciousness, and this triad is realized due to the functioning of the realistic type of artistic thinking in the proposed forms and ways. On the basis of this methodological assumption, the authors solve the following problems: firstly, analyze the process of birth, formation and development of realism as an essential tool of artistic consciousness at different stages of spiritual and aesthetic development of the reality by the Ossetian people, and, secondly, develop the concept of historical typology of realism in the Ossetian literature. Keywords: the principle of imitation of reality, folklore, realism, critical realism, social realism, philosophical and mythological direction, artistic consciousness. References: 1. Fidarova R.Ya. Estetika realizma i khudozhestvennoe soznanie osetin v istoricheskom osveshchenii [Aesthetics of realism and artistic consciousness of the Ossetians inhistorical illumination. In 3 vols]. Vladikavkaz, North-Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies Publ., 2015, vol. 1. 351 p 2. Krupnov E.I. Drevnee iskusstvo Severnogo Kavkaza. Istoriya iskusstva narodov SSSR. V 9-ti t. T. 1. Iskusstvo pervobytnogo obshchestva i drevneyshikh gosudarstv na territorii SSSR [The ancient art of the North Caucasus. The history of art of the peoples of the USSR. In 9 vols. Vol. 1. The art of the primitive society and ancient States on the territory of the USSR]. Moscow, Iskusstvo Publishing house, 1971. 571 p. 3. Shutskiy Yu.K. Kitayskaya klassicheskaya “Kniga peremen” [The Chinese classic “Book of changes”]. Moscow, Iskusstvo Publishing house, 1960. 342 p. 4. Leonardo da Vinchi. Izbrannye proizvedeniya [Selected works]. Moscow-Leningrad, USSR Academy of Science Publ., 1935, vol. 2. 423 p. 5. Ambroz A.K. Rannezemledelcheskiy kultovyy simvol «romb s kryuchkami» [Early agricultural cult symbol “rhombus with hooks”]. Sovetskaja etnografija [Soviet Ethnography]. 1965, no 3. 6. Tekhov B.V. Tsentralnyy Kavkaz v XVI-X vv. do n.e. [Central Caucasus in XVI-X centuries BC]. Moscow, Nauka Publishing house, 1977. 398 p. 7. Dzattiaty R.G. Ornamenty Gornoy Osetii [Ornaments of Mountain Ossetia]. Vladikavkaz, Ir Publishing house, 1992. 423 p 8. Tokarev S.A. Religiya v istorii narodov mira [Religion in the history of the peoples of the world]. Moscow, Nauka Publishing house, 1964. 392 p. 9. Abaev V.I. Istoriko-etimologicheskij slovar’ osetinskogo jazyka [Historic and Etimological Dictionary of the Ossetian Language]. Moscow-Leningrad, USSR Academy of Science Publ., 1958, vol. 1. 605 p. 10. Abaev V.I. Nartovskiy epos osetin [Nart epos of the Ossetians]. Izvestija SONII [Proceedings of the North Ossetian Research Institute]. 1945, vol. X, iss. 1. 11. Gorkiy A.M. Sobranie sochinenij [Collected works. In 30 vols]. Moscow, Artistic literature Publishing house, 1953, vol. 27. 453 p 12. Fidarova R.Ya. Roman-mif kak novyy zhanrovyy tip v osetinskoy literature [Roman-myth as a new genre type in the Ossetian literature]. Vladikavkaz, North-Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies Publ., 2007. 350 p. |