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Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)
ISSN 2223-165X





Aylarova S.A. On the Way to the New Economic Culture (About G.V. Baev's Article "National Food in the Terek Region") Print

The article is devoted to the analysis of the work of a prominent public figure and publicist of pre-revolutionary Ossetia, educator G. V. (Gappo) Baev "National food in the Terek region". This work is one of the best in his heritage in economic journalism and solves an important problem – the need for establishing new economic culture in the region. Part of this problem was the organization of the food system in the Terek region, taking into account the climate in the region, its economy, the mentality of its people. The author examines the history of the food issue in Russia, the development of food legislation, the main models of food supply in the Russian village, formed by the beginning of the twentieth century. Absence of insurance grain stocks of all the peoples in the region (except for Cossacks) is stated. Taking into account these circumstances, G. V. Baev offers a model of food supply in the region, based on his own economic experience – the formation of a grain-storage system in the Ossetian village of Оlginskoye. This model could become the basis of the mixed natural-monetary system of the national food in the region. The publicist considers the bread-and-butter system as a natural credit institution capable of bringing income to the rural population, and becoming the basis of self-financing and self-investment of the mountain village. The idea of saving and accumulation should lie in the preamble of the new economic culture; as well as the formation of public funds and capital, which are the bases for the prosperity of the leading economies of Europe of that time. The author came to the conclusion that the reviewed article is a vivid example of the problem of reforming traditional economic culture, modernizing the economy and forming a modern economic mentality in the public consciousness of the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus.

Keywords: North Caucasus, Terek region, food security, rural grain-storage system, economic culture.


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