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Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)
ISSN 2223-165X





Senko E.V., Lazarova I.A. On the Problem of Russian-Ossetian Language Contacts. Print

The article deals with the problem of language contacting on the territory of modern Russia: in the conditions of globalization taking place in the modern world, the erasure of national differences, namely regional studies of the Russian language, the definition of its regional features on the phonetic, lexical-phraseological, grammatical and other levels are becoming more important. The concept of regiolect is relatively new in linguistics; however, lexical items borrowed from another language, but used only in the zone of contact of various languages, attracted the attention of linguists. Of course, in comparison with the occurrences of West-European or Oriental languages stream units of the languages of the peoples of Russia in Russian language is of a different nature, that is a similar kind of language of movement must be described in the projection on the Russian language system, functioning in the speech of representatives of non-titular ethnic group or another national region. The purpose of the article is to update the scientific attention to this problem on the basis of Russian-Ossetian language relations, to emphasize the importance of the latter in the light of modern trends in the development of Russian society. It is argued that in historical retrospect the nature of the interaction of the languages in question was heterogeneous: the approximate similarity of the "prestigious potential" of the Slavic-Iranian influence over time gave way to a significant strengthening of the role of the Russian language, formed by virtue of this unidirected language contacts and the corresponding similar aspect of their scientific research. It is stated that certain changes that have occurred recently in the field of language policy of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, should determine the opposite, Ossetian-Russian, line of linguistic research of the relevant language contacts; this fact is objectively dictated by the nature of the latter: it is well known that any long-term ethnic contact cannot be unilateral.

Keywords: language contact, regionalism, regionalism, borrowing, Russian-Ossetian language relations.



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