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ISSN 2223-165X





Bepievi N.I. From the History of Ossetian Writing: Ossetian Copyists of the Monuments of Old-Georgian Literature. Print

The article is devoted to the translation and literary activity of those who contributed to the development of Ossetian writing and Georgian-Ossetian cultural ties. Some works of ancient Georgian literature, alongside with Georgian scribes, were also copied by Ossetian scribes. The dictionary Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani, which is the result of deep analysis and encyclopaedic observation-explanations, from the very beginning turned into a subject of public interest: Vakhtang VI defined it as "Sitkvis kona" ("Bouquet of words"). Those who were engaged in the description and compilation of lists of books, made on their margins notes containing information about the census-takers. Over time, as well as for other reasons, many names were lost, but some have been preserved in history precisely thanks to these postscripts and inscriptions. In the article on the basis of linguistic analysis, it is established that the first scribe of the Dictionary Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani was an Ossetian by birth Guriev. The author of the article notes that Ossetian copyists of Georgian books, in particular John Yalguzidze, were also engaged in translations from Georgian into Ossetian, that they made their own contribution to the development of the Ossetian language and culture. The activity of Ossetian census takers of Georgian books, considered in the article, makes a significant contribution to the problem of the peoples with recent record of literacy, which is significantly updated by modern scientific research and wide public discourse. Since it is customary to refer in this way to such peoples after the establishment of Soviet power, the material revealed a serious argument for confirming the unacceptability of this "political" definition for the Ossetian language. Together with other identified literary monuments, the works of Ossetian scribes are the basis for revising established, but not corresponding to modern concepts, postulates. The carried out research allows to consider activity of Ossetian copyists of books as the factor of strengthening of cultural communications between neighboring people.

Keywords: the Ossetian language, the Georgian language, copyist, scribe, translation, cultural ties.




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