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ISSN 2223-165X





Gostieva L.K. From the History of the Creation of the "Ossetian-Russian-German Dictionary" by V.F. Miller Print

A special place in the scientific heritage of Vsevolod Fyodorovich Miller is compilation of the Ossetian-Russian-German dictionary. The publication of the dictionary in 3 volumes took place in 1927-1934 after the death of the scientist himself. This event was preceded by a long and painstaking work, in which a large creative team of like-minded people from the representatives of the Ossetian intelligentsia was involved. Published excerpts from the correspondence between V.F. Miller and G.V. Baev give a clear idea of the work accomplished. The letters covering the period from 1891 to 1908 were extracted from the collections of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI) and the Scientific Archive of SOIGSI. A selection of materials from the correspondence allows to trace the progress of the work on the "Ossetian-Russian-German Dictionary" at the specified time, to clarify the participation in its compilation of G.V. Baev, I.T. Sobiev, U.V. (Tsotsko) Ambalov, A.Z. Kubalov and others. Of special interest for the history of the Ossetian studies is the information V.Miller shared with G.Baev. This testifies to the changes that were introduced into the structure of the dictionary, the stages of its preparation for punlication. The scientist gave detailed instructions to those working on the dictionary: he asked to pay attention to the importance of recording original folklore texts, not translations; use scientific transcription from the first part of the "Ossetian Etudes"; accurately denote stresses in two-syllable or polysyllabic words, deduce rules for accentuations in declensions and conjugations, and so on. The materials of the letters testify to the scientific and organizational problems faced by V.Miller and the compilers of the dictionary in Ossetia. The published documents make it possible to consider the correspondence between V.Miller and G.Baev as one of the important sources for studying the history of the creation of the "Ossetian-Russian-German Dictionary".

Keywords: V.F. Miller, G.V. Baev, Ossetian-Russian-German dictionary, Ossetian intelligentsia, correspondence.


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2.    Nauchnyi arkhiv Severo-Osetinskogo instituta gumanitarnykh i social'nykh issledovanii [Scientific Archive of the North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies]. Fund Linguistics. Inventory 1. Folder 30. Case 64.

3.    Miller V.F. Osetinskie etyudy [Ossetian esssays]. Moscow, 1881, part I. 164 p.

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