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ISSN 2223-165X





Khadikova A.Kh. Socio-Humanitarian Aspect of the Concept of "Ethnic Space" (on Example of the Ossetian Ethnos) Print

The article is devoted to the historical and anthropological analysis of "ethnic space " – a concept that is widely used, but does not have a certain categorical status in Ethnology. The article substantiates the need for a new understanding of many ethnic concepts by ethnologists in the application to specific peoples. The specificity, essence and content of the concept "ethnic space", its connection with the processes of ethnic self-identification of Ossetians is studied through two directions of scientific research. The first is to clarify the content of the concept, the second – to identify ways of its actualization in the ethnic reality of a particular Ossetian ethnic group. Based on his own research experience, the author argues that the semantic content, structure and instrumental functionality of the concept of "ethnic space" is correlated with the phenomenon of ethnicity and completely absorbs it. Moreover, the concept of "ethnic space / field" incorporates the prospect of the rise of ethnicity, the actualization of which is fraught with turning to political activity. The quality of the main markers of individual and collective ethnic identity, the basic concepts of ethnicity, outlining the "borders" of ethnic space have acquired relics of the socio-humanitarian sphere. A kind of "guarantor" of the category of ethnic space of the Ossetians is the phenomenon of historical memory. The main values and symbols of ethnicity are correlated with those components of the common cultural field, which can be considered "divided" and which reflect the circumstances of the historical path of this people, including its earliest stages. In their "own" ethnic environment, they are closely related to the ideas of vital and long-term ethnic interests, and in certain circumstances they can become part of the national idea of the North and South Ossetians.

Keywords: ethnic space, ethnicity, socio-humanitarian values, ethnic heritage, ethnic identity of the divided people, spiritual field, ethnic interests.


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