Kaziev E.V. The Structure of Circassian Fraternities According to the Information of the English Emissary on the West Caucasus J.S. Bell (1837—1839) |
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The article analyses the original English-language terms used by J.S. Bell to designate related groups as well as the equivalents of these terms in Russian and Adyghe languages and on this basis the structure of tribal collectives adopted by the Black Sea Circassians (Ubykhs) in the first half of the 19th century is considered. Critique of translations of the corresponding fragments in Russian-language editions of Bell’s «Journal» is given. Besides, the article analyses a number of similar terms in the languages of such peoples of the North Caucasus as Ingushes, Chechens, Ossetians, the peoples of Dagestan and analogous terms that have been circulating in the Russian language. A number of all these terms is compared with the modern scientific term «patronymy», that is used in the tradition of Russian ethnology to designate patri-unilinear related groups. On this basis the article arranges possible interlingual correspondences in the terminology and indicates the patrimonial structures, that are denoted by these terms, which are inherent in the social organization of the enlisted Caucasian peoples. The study made it possible to assert, that Bell used such original English terms as «fraternity», «clan» and «sept» to describe the order of organization of Circassian brotherhoods. The conclusion is drawn, that the latter two terms were used by Bell to define the meaning of the term “fraternity”, with the help of which he also denoted juratory alliances. It is noted that the absence in Russian language of equivalents of the terms “sept” and «clan» leads to using of the word “genus” for their translation, that is not their direct equivalent and, taking into account uncertainty of its concept in Russian science, in turn leads to confusion and ambiguity, that could be eliminated by using Bell’s original English terms, which as well have circulation in the modern scientific tradition. Keywords: kinship, sept, fraternity, clan, patronymy.
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