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ISSN 2223-165X





Tsallagova I.N., Şahingöz E. The Semantic Structure of Polisemants ‘Sær / Head’and ‘Zærdæ / Heart’ in the Digor Variant of the Ossetian Language. Print

One of the most meaningful and wide-spread phenomenon in the field of semantics of words and, in general, semantic systems of any language is polysemantic nature of words. Emerging concepts and phenomena stimulate taxonomic activity of a language, and quite often they can be designated by an already existing word in the semantics of which the common features of these concepts and phenomena intersect. The most susceptible to the formation of new values is a group of the somatic terms, the layer of the vocabulary denoting human and animal body parts. This group of words is one of the most common objects of comparative historical, structural, linguistic, and culture studies, because of its universal and deep-rooted character. This article is devoted to the semantic structure of the polisemantic words 'sær/head’ and ‘zærdæ/heart’ in Digor variant of the Ossetian language. The work describes the main characteristics of the meanings of these words that create the fundamental basis for analysis of the multiple meanings of particular words. The semantic structure of the lexemes is defined and their primary and secondary meanings are formulated. Based on the characteristics the componential analysis of polisemantic ‘sær / head’ and ‘zærdæ / heart’ is held. The analysis revealed that, in the course of its development and transformation of their primary meanings quite a number of figurative (secondary) values have evolved. The metaphoric, metonymic or functional changes result in acquisition of new meanings. The semantic structure of polisemantic sær/head and zærdæ / heart is diverse in its contents. This accounts for the fact that they are components of many idiomatic combinations, phraseological units and complex words.

Keywords: Ossetic language, digor Ossetian language variant, vocabulary, semantics, lexical-semantic language system, somatizmy, polisemanty.



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