Dzaparova E.B. Sozyryko Britaev as Practitioner and Theorist of Literary Translation in Ossetic Literature. |
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The article examines Sozyryko Britaev’s translation heritage, assesses the contribution of the translator to the theory and practice of literary translation. The author analyzes Britaev’s translations, identifies methods of recreating in his translated version the form and contents of the original text. The researcher considers ways of displaying contrast as a basic structure-forming element of the work in the translated text analyzing the story of L.N. Tolstoy «After the Ball» in the original and in Britaev’s translation. The study allows to conclude, that Britaev as a translator managed to reproduce the style of narration, the system of artistic images of the original, the architectonics of the work. The author traced the translation into Ossetian the original figures of speech (metaphors, epithets). Generally speking, the translator managed to reproduces these tropes retaining the original Russian writer’s creative manner. Replacing some individual metaphorical structures with equivalents of the language of translating allowed Britaev to preserve the structure of the tropes, but led to the loss of their aesthetic function. Translation of some epithets required a deviation from the lexical correspondences and finding semantic equivalents. Keywords: artistic translation, artistic detail, antithesis, translation unit, artistic image, equivalent, lexeme, figurative unit.
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