Munaev I.B. Marvelous Birth Motive in the Chechen Late Heroic Epic of Illi. |
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In the present article different epic texts of the peoples of Russia and Asia are subjected to comparative analysis. The birth of warrior-magician in ancient epics of quite a number of peoples is accompanied by natural disasters, fright-reaction of representatives of wildlife and different natural omens. In Balkar-Karachai version we have the myth of the unusual birth of the first hero descending from the Father-Heaven and Mother-Earth, while natural disasters signal the birth process itself. In the later Chechen epic of Illi (epic song) and Ingush lyrical song “Bride complaint” descriptions of natural phenomena and reaction of the most revered representatives of the animal world to the birth of a hero or heroine turned into artistic means of idealizing the hero of illi and heroines of lyrical songs, not retaining its mythological content. Keywords: heroic-historical illi, aesthetic system, later epic, marvelous birth, epic motive, myth, parallelism.
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