Gutieva E.T. Exponent -lac in Germanic Onomasticon. |
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The analysis of Old Germanic compound anthroponyms allows regarding element -lac as a regular component of the onomasiological process. We presume that the Germanic masculine proper names with this or similar exponent were generated with the help of the words, which are reflexes of the Indo-European root *loca- meaning ‘people, world, man’ and, consequently, these words are cognates of the reflexes of this very root in different Iranian languages, as well as of the Ossetic lӕg/лӕг – ‘man, husband’. This phenomenon can be interpreted in terms of genetic cognation of languages. However appearance of the Iranian roots can be accounted for by typological contacts of the peoples, who lived on contiguous territories and shared communal historical fates in the late antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Trying to set tracks of Iranian-Germanic interrelation in the investigated fragment of German onomastics, we attribute this not only to the borrowing of proper names. This could have been penetration of denominative words that in the course of time within the system of the recipient language became active elements alongside with indigenous lexemes. Keywords: anthroponym, etymon borrowing, Old Germanic, Sarmatians, Alans, the Ossetic language.
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