Khugaev I.S. Mussa Hakim (M.G. Domba) and his Correspondence to Hadji-Murat Muguev |
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Letters of Mussa Hakim (Moses Grigorievich Domba) to Hadji-Murat Magometovich Muguev are being introduced into the sphere of scientific and literary-critical investigation, as they contain interesting comments on the literary process and cultural atmosphere in North Ossetia in the middle of the past century, critical judgments about the works of contemporary writers (including novel H.-M.M. Muguev “The Wild Terek”), the facts and circumstances relevant to the political-military history and Ethnography of the peoples of the Caucasus, etc. Documents are interesting as the epistolary heritage of the doctor, poet, historian and ethnographer; they represent an original literary phenomenon, and are authentic testimonies of the era. It is also important that the letters shed some light on the personal life of Mussa Hakim, in his time one of the most respected citizens of the city of Vladikavkaz, but who is in oblivion today. Keywords: Mussa Hakim (M.G. Domba), Hadji-Murat Muguev, “The Wild Terek”, Maharbek Tuganov, Kazi-Mulla, Yermolov, N.I. Pirogov, Kh.S. Cherdzhiev, Ossetians, Digors, Cossacks.
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