Tsallagova I.N. Structural-Semantic Patterns of Lexical-Semantic Group of Words “Tsærændonæ / Dwelling” in the Digorian Variant of the Ossetian Language |
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The lexical-semantic system of any language is unique as it reflects the peculiarities of ethnic culture of a native-speaker of a certain language. In its turn, dwelling is one of the most important components of the material culture of an ethnic group. This article focuses on the structural-semantic analysis of the lexical-semantic group of words “tsærændonæ / dwelling” in the Digorian variant of the Ossetian language. The article summarizes theoretical information available in the national linguistics on the problem under study. Study of the semantic aspect of the vocabulary of any language is based on the analysis of definitions of the lexical unit of interest to the researcher in the explanatory dictionaries, separation of components of these dictionary definitions, and their interpretation as separate distinctive features of the word meaning. Due to the absence of a complete explanatory dictionary of the Ossetian language, the author for the first time introduces the interpretations of the words included into the lexical-semantic group under consideration in the scientific discourse. As a result of the analysis of the meanings of these words, the lexical-semantic group of the words “tsærændonæ / dwelling” has been formed reflecting the present stage of the development of the Digorian variant of the Ossetian language. Structural-semantic regularities of the analyzed lexical-semantic group have been identified; systemic organization of the group has been undertaken; systemic links between the components of the group have been described. Keywords: Digorian variant of the Ossetian language, vocabulary, word semantics, seme, lexical-semantic groups of words, dwelling.
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