Aytberov T.M., Khapizov Sh.M. Epigraphic sources on the history of the spread of Islam in Chechnya (the XVI-XIX centuries) |
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The article analyzes the known historical data on spreading of Islam among the Chechens in the XVI-XIX centuries. The authors discovered the new epigraphic monuments – the epitaphs of the Islam missionaries and their descendants in East Chechnya. These materials allow dating the beginning of the spread of Islam in the region by the XVIth century. Firstly the population of the historic area of Nohchimohk bordering with the Avar regions of Dagestan was involved into the process of Islamization. Then, in the XVIIth c., Islam spread in Central Chechnya, situated at the foothills and mountainous part of the Argun gorge. At least – at the turn of the XVIII-XIXth centuries – Islam spread in the western mountains of Chechnya (Akka, Nashkha, Orstkhoy) bordering with Ingushetia. Using the written sources of the XIXth – early XXth centuries helped to clarify that the process of the spread of Islam in Chechnya actively proceeded in the XVII-XVIII centuries and ended only by the 1820s. Besides the problem of Islamization of the Chechen people, the article considers the history of the Chechen people’s relationships with Kabardians and Avars. The materials introduced by the authors in the scientific using, show that in the XVI-XVII c. Kabardians widely settled not only in the flat part of present-day Chechnya, but also in the foothill part – Nohchimohk. Moreover, they for a long time retained their ethnic identity, which was manifested in existence of Adygs anthroponymy. Written Arabic-language records attracted by the authors show a significant contribution of Avar nutsaldom to the process of Islamization of mountain Chechnya.
Keywords: Chechnya, Nokhchimohk, Kabarda, Avaria, Islam, Bersan, Terman Ol, epigraphy. ______________________________________________________ 1. Popov Iv. Ichkeriya (istoriko-topograficheskii ocherk) [Ichkeria (historical and topographical essay)]. Sbornik svedenii o kavkazskikh gortsakh [Collected Information on the Caucasian Highlanders]. Tiflis, Caucasian mountaineer administration Publ., 1870, vol. IV, pp.579-599. 2. Laudaev U. Chechenskoe plemya [Chechen Tribe]. Sbornik svedenii o kavkazskikh gortsakh [Collected Information on the Caucasian Highlanders]. Tiflis, Caucasian mountaineer administration Publ., 1872, vol. VI, pp. 54-55. 3. Muzhukhoev M.B. Proniknovenie islama k chechentsam i ingusham [The penetration of Islam to Chechens and Ingushs]. Arkheologicheskie pamyatniki Checheno-Ingushetii [Archaeological monuments of Chechen-Ingushetia]. Groznyi, Chechen-Ingush Institute of History, Language and Literature Publ., 1979, pp. 125-150. 4. Akhmadov Ya.Z. Istoriya Chechni s drevneishikh vremen do kontsa XVIIII veka [History of Chechnya from ancient times to the end of the XVIIIIth century]. Moscow, “Peace to your house” Publishing house, 2001, pp. 284-291. 5. Akaev V.Kh. Rasprostranenie i utverzhdenie islama [Distribution and adoption of Islam]. Chechentsy. Otv. red. L.T. Solov'eva, V.A. Tishkov, Z.I. Khasbulatova [Chechens. Ed. L.T. Solovyova, V.A. Tishkov, Z.I. Khasbulatova]. Moscow, Nauka Publishing house, 2012, pp. 426-427. 6. Posemeinye spiski zhitelei Ichkerinskogo okruga. 1867 g. Sost. M.Kh. Chenchieva, E.M. El'murzaeva, A.M. Oshaeva, A.I. Dukhaev. Pod red. L.D. Inurkaevoi [Family lists of residents of Ichkeria District. 1867. Comp. M.H. Chenchieva, E.M. Elmurzaev, A.M. Oshaev, A.I. Dukhaev. Ed. L.D. Inurkaeva]. Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria State Enterprise “The Revolution of 1905 National Printing Plant” publ., 2010. 790 p. 7. Akhmadov Ya.Z. Ocherk istoricheskoi geografii i etnopoliticheskogo razvitiya Chechni v XVI – XVIII vekakh [Essay of historical geography and ethno-political development of Chechnya in the XVI – XVIII centuries]. Moscow, Charity Foundation for Support the Chechen literature Publ., 2009. 8. Kokov Dzh. N. Iz adygskoi (cherkesskoi) onomastiki [From Adyghian (Circassian) onomastics]. Nalchik, Elbrus Publishing house, 1983. 9. Kusheva E.N., Usmanov M.A. K voprosu ob obshchestvennom stroe vainakhov (pis'mo 1657 g. iz Shibutskogo dzhamaata tsaryu Alekseyu Mikhailovichu) [On the question of social order of Vainakhs (the letter of 1657 from Shibut Jamaat to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich)]. Sovetskaya etnografiya [Soviet Ethnography]. 1978, No 6, pp. 99-110. 10. Aitberov T.M. Drevniy Khunzakh i khunzakhtsy [Ancient Khunzakh and Khunzakhians]. Makhachkala, Dagestan Publishing house, 1993. 11. Aitberov T.M., Abdulkerimov M.M. Obzor nekotorykh rukopisnykh sobranii Dagestana [The review of some manuscript collections of Dagestan]. Izuchenie istorii i kul'tury Dagestana: arkheograficheskii aspekt [The study of the history and culture of Dagestan: archeographic aspect]. Makhachkala, the Dagestan branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., 1988, pp. 60. 12. Berzhe A.P. Chechnya i chechentsy [Chechnya and the Chechens]. Groznyi, State unitary enterprise “Book Publishing house”, 2008. 13. Ivanov M.A. Verkhov'ya r. Gekhi [Upper reaches of the Geghi river]. Zapiski Kavkazskogo otdela Russkogo Geograficheskogo obshchestva [Notes of the Caucasian Department of the Russian Geographical Society]. Tiflis, K.B. Kozlowski Typography Publ., 1902, vol. 15, pp. 270-302. |