Tuallagov A.A. On the circumstances of the Zelenchuk Inscription’s Discovery |
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Discovery of the Zelenchuk inscription is one of the most important events in the study of the history of the Alans. It has special importance for establishing their linguistic identity and the continuity of the language of the modern Ossetians with the language of the medieval Alans. Known images of the Zelenchuk epitaph enable to define some archaeological analogues. But the very story of the discovery of the inscription needs further investigation. This is prompted by the finding of the epitaph picture, performed by Hieromonk Seraphim, which for a long time had been kept unknown from the researchers. On the other hand, there are some problems with the confirmation of the time and the conditions of the inscription’s fixation, made by D.M. Strukov. The author's analysis of the avalable information allows to make some preliminary conclusions on the number of immediate inscription fixations and the time of such fixations. However, some ambiguity about the conditions of the finding of inscription and tracing it still persists and requires further studies. The comparative analysis of the images of Zelenchuk inscription allows to draw some conclusions. The reproduction by V.F. Miller resulted from the preliminary scientific analysis of the inscription. Some of its features coincide with one of Strukov’s drawings. Therefore, it may be presumed, that the final stage of Strukov’s work had already been influenced by the artist's familiarity with the scientific study of the inscription. We adhere to the conclusion of the modern scientists about not always high level of the artist's drawings. However, these drawings are the only basis for modern studies. Keywords: Zelenchuk inscription, epigraphy, sources, fixation, archaeological data, Alans, Ossetians. ______________________________________________________
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