Keywords: aphorism, proverb, proverb, oath, mystery, benevolence, curse, personification, comparison. The poetic-semantic structure of the various genres of the Ossetian folk aphoristics form poetic tropes, among which, alongside with metaphor and epithet, impersonation and simile occupy a special place. The above-mentioned means of creating figurativeness bear not only ornamental, decorative, but also structuring, semantic functions: such ambivalence of the poetic tropes is predetermined by the uniqueness of the poetic nature of folk aphorisms, artistic aesthetics of minimal folk forms intended to enclose depth in a laconically formulated phrase. Comparative analysis of impersonation and simile in various types of Ossetian folk aphoristics reveals that these poetic figures fully fit the whole composition of aphoristic utterance containing edifying instructions and warnings, a description of various social and natural phenomena, as well as the qualities and characteristics of objects, people, animals. The idiomatics of such utterances, which determines the difficulty of their perception by people of a foreign ethnic culture and translation into other languages, is based on the semantic keys and symbolic images of the Ossetian cultural tradition. The latter are a kind of cultural code that allows people of this ethnic group to «unlock» the entrance to the matrix of traditional heritage. And a special linguistic-cultural study of this folklore stratum, together with consideration of foreign aphoristic analogies, provides not only an idea of he nature of nationally specific aphoristic images, but a methodological possibility to comprehend the deep meanings of the Ossetian language and culture by representatives of other languages and cultures. REFERENCES 1. Alieva, A. I., Astafyeva, L. A., Gatsak, V. M., Kirdan, B. P., Pukhov, I. V. Opyt sistemno-analiticheskogo issledovaniya istoricheskoy poetiki narodnykh pesen [The experience of systematic analysis of the historical poetics of folk songs]. Fol’klor. Poeticheskaya sistema. [Folklore. Poetic system]. Moscow, Nauka, 1977, pp. 69‑108. 2. Alieva, A. I. Poetika i stil’ volshebnykh skazok adygskikh narodov [Poetics and style of fairy tales of the Adyghe peoples]. Moscow, Nauka, 1986. 279 р. 3. Veselovsky, A. N. Istoricheskaya poetika [Historical poetics]. Moscow, Vysshaya shkola, 1940. 648 р. 4. Tmenova, Dz. G. Osetinskie poslovitsy, pogovorki, zagadki [Ossetian proverbs, sayings, riddles]. Vladikavkaz, IPP imeni Gassieva, 2005. 104 p. 5. Khubetsova, Z. R. Osetinskie klyatvennye formuly [Ossetian oath formulas]. Voprosy osetinskogo yazykoznaniya [Questions of Ossetian linguistics] / Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1977, vol. 32, pp. 76‑84. 6. Eremina, V. I. K voprosu o zhanrovoy differentsiatsii narodnoy simvoliki [On the issue of genre differentiation of folk’s symbols]. Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya istorii, yazyka, literatury [Bulletin of Leningrad State University. A series of history, language, literature], 1968, iss. 1, no. 2, pp. 83‑93. 7. Tsallagova, I. N. Lingvisticheskie osobennosti osetinskoy zagadki [Linguistic features of the Ossetian riddle]. Thesis abstract of the candidate dissertation (in Philology). Vladikavkaz, 2010. 171 р. 8. Tsallagova, Z. B. Aforisticheskie zhanry osetinskogo fol’klora [Aphoristic genres of Ossetian folklore]. Thesis abstract of the candidate dissertation (in Philology). Moscow, 1980. 178 р. 9. Nevleva, S. L. Voprosy poetiki drevneindiyskogo eposa. Epitet i sravnenie [Questions of poetics of the ancient Indian epic. Epithet and comparison]. Moscow, Nauka, 1979. 136 р. 10. Abramovich, G. A. Vvedenie v literaturovedenie [Introduction to literary criticism]. Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1975. 352 р. 11. Tomashevsky, B. V. Stilistika i stikhoslozhenie [Stylistics and versification]. Leningrad, Uchpedgiz, 1959. 525 р. 12. Lavonen, N. Karel’skaya narodnaya zagadka [The Karelian folk riddle]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1977. 138 р. 13. Kvyatkovsky, A. Poeticheskiy slovar’ [Poetic Dictionary]. Moscow, Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, 1966. 375 р. 14. Levin, Yu. I. Montazhnye priemy poetichekoy rechi [The montage means of the poetic speech]. Programma i tezisy dokladov po vtorichnym modeliruyushchim sistemam [Program and abstracts of reports on secondary modeling systems]. Tartu, 1964, pp. 77‑91. 15. Taylor, E. Pervobytnaya kultura [Primitive Culture]. Moscow, Politizdat, 1989. 573 р. |