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Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)
ISSN 2223-165X






Keywords: linguonym, ethnonym, Hatiag language, Narts, Alans, East Iranian language, the Ossetian language, epics.

The glossonym Hatiag (Hatiag ævzag), repeatedly mentioned in the texts of the narratives of the Narts’ epic, has constantly been in the focus of the researchers’ attention, due to the fact that it contains historically important information relevant to the chronological and geographical localization of the number of plots and plot motifs. The length of the history of the emergence and existence of the epic, spacious territories inhabited by its creators, pushed by their unprecedented migration activity account for the emergence of a sufficiently large number of alternative interpretations. All of them meet certain requirements for the Hatiag language, derived from the texts of the sagas. The basis for the existing hypotheses, in the first place, is a phonetic similarity of the linguonym with known roots, terms. Most of the hypotheses correlate Hatiag with well-known ethnonyms, the names of peoples with whom the Sarmatians, Alans, and Ossetians had contacts confirmed by the known historical sources. The article provides an overview of the etymologies, which have been so far advanced. The problem of the Hatiag language is still unsolved which allows us to continue the development and refinement of the existing hypotheses, to put forward and formulate new ones as well. The paper proposes to include in the terms of the search of the etymon: Hay, self-designation of the Armenian people, the long-term historical neighbors of the Alans; the first element of the designation of Eastern Iranian language of the Khotanese Sakas, who have closely related genetic ties with the proto-Ossetian; and the name of the East German tribe of Goths. From these three author’s hypotheses, preference is given to the latter.


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