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Keywords: the Ossetian language, Digor dialect, composite, composite word formation, compounding. Composites have been and remain the object of close attention of linguists. Compounding in the Ossetian language, especially in the Digor dialect, is one of the least studied problems. Meanwhile, in the Ossetian language today there are a significant number of complex entities, the status of which has not yet been determined. This leads to certain difficulties in the compilation of textbooks and dictionaries of the Ossetian language. This is due to the fact that the semantic fusion of two or more bases into one whole is not always accompanied by any changes in the grammatical forms of the words that make up the phrase. Due to the fact that the theoretical issues of composite word-formation are not sufficiently developed in Ossetian linguistics, many constructions do not lend themselves to definitive definition and occupy an intermediate position between compound words and phrases, acquiring some characteristics of a word combination and retaining some features of a compound word. This study addresses the problem of identifying a composite, which is closely related to the problems of spelling and lexicography of these language formations — inconsistency in the spelling of various types of complex words, the lack of uniform selection principles and their presentation in dictionaries. The questions of the typology of composites in the Ossetian language, which are distinguished by a variety of both the nature of the semantic relationship between the components of the structure and their formal and structural characteristics, are considered. REFERENCES 1. Akhmanova, O. S. 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