Keywords: V. F. Miller, G. V. Baev, letters, the Ossetian language, Ossetian grammar.
The article is devoted to the history of the creation of the V. F. Miller’s work «Die Sprache der Osseten» («The Ossetian Language»). Published excerpts from the letters V. F. Miller to G. V. Baev on this issue in the period from 1901 to 1906 were extracted from the collections of the Scientific Archive of the North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies. The selection of materials from the letters allows us to trace the work process of Miller on the manuscript of the book at a specified time, and assess creative participation of Bayev in it. For the history of scientific Ossetian studies, information about the beginning and process of a scientist’s work on the manuscript of the book, its goals and objectives, structure, new sections, preparation periods for printing, positive responses of foreign scientists to the book, which Miller shared with Baev. It is also important to bear in mind the help provided to the scientist at his request by Baev by supplying the latest official statistics on the total number of the Ossetians both in the Terek region and beyond it, which Miller subsequently placed in the Introduction to the book, in the section «Territory of distribution of the Ossetian language and its dialects». Noteworthy are the recommendations of Miller on the need to publish in Ossetia a practical grammar of the Ossetian language, in the creation of which he offered his assistance. The Russian-language version of the book published in 1962 by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR is considered. Published materials allow us to count the letters of Miller to Baev, one of the most important sources on the history of the creation by the scholar of the book «Die Sprache der Osseten» («Ossetian Language»).
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