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Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)
ISSN 2223-165X






Keywords: regiolect, regionalism, local borrowing, regionalism, dialect, dialect, canism, barbarism, exoticism.

The recently intensified interest in the problems of philological regionalism, the subject of which is the language of the regions, characterized by a kind of territorial coloring, accounts for the relevance of the present study. Meanwhile, in the existing scientific literature, such concepts as regionalect, regionalism, have not received clear interpretation and are not clearly separated from related concepts. The question of the relation of the regional options language to the common language norm is not defined, nor the ratio of regiolect to the literary language, the composition of regiolect has not been identified. Many controversial issues are related to regionalism, which is a local borrowing and is functioning in the fabric of the work of art. In this sense, the relevance of this article is obvious. The aim of the article is to study the functions of the Caucasian and Ossetian regionalisms in A. Tsalikov’s novel «Brother Against Brother». The main research methods are descriptive, stylistic and cognitive. The scientific novelty of the work is to clarify the concepts of regionalect, regionalism, to reveal the functions of regionally marked units in the novel by A. Tsalikov «Brother Against Brother», in the comprehension of the creative individuality of the author, in the description of the structure of the narrative in the novel and the disclosure of ways of representation of local borrowings in it. The main results of the work are the following: the most important function of regionalisms in the novel, used for the romanticization of the Patriarchal Ossetian life in its opposition to civilization, leveling many national phenomena, destroying the people’s moral foundations, is revealed. It is this function of Ossetian regionalisms that is fundamental in the novel, because they most adequately convey the contents of the cognitive structure and contribute to the reconstruction of the national picture of the world; in addition, the thematic groups of this category of regional vocabulary are highlighted in the text of the work; the ways of their inclusion in the fabric of the novel are considered; their interaction with other elements of the text is analyzed. It is concluded that in addition to the transfer of the color of Ossetian life, broadcasting traditional Ossetian culture, the analyzed regionalisms serve to convey the emotional state of the characters, especially the main character, passionately protesting against the negative aspects of civilization and romanticizing the patriarchal way of life.

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