Morgoeva L. B. Linguistic Factor of Activation of the Mechanisms of Speech Influence // Izvestiya SOIGSI. 2014. Iss. 13 (52). P. |
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Keywords: phraseology, paremiology, speech formulas, pragmatics, semantics Activation of the mechanisms of speech influence is directly linked with the processes of thinking and perception studied by philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists, linguists, and experts in cognitive science, neurolinguistics, linguosynergy, lingvopsychology, etc. Despite the long and sustained interest in the issues of verbal-mnestic activity, there is no scientific discipline that gives a clear answer to the question of how the very process of interaction between the cognitive domain of the source and the target area in the process of creating images (metaphorization) occurs. At the heart of the verbal-mnestic activity, there are complex processes of creation and processing of images, which, in one form or another, are intended to influence the recipient. Activation of the mechanisms of influence becomes possible in the presence of an object, a specific purpose or by particular structuring of speech patterns. The required sequence and the apparent compliance with all of these conditions are present, in the majority of cases, only in the ceremonial and ritual texts. This allows us characterizing such a three-component system as the main activators of the mechanism of influence. |