Amirkhanova M.M. Labor Organization in the Industry of Dagestan in 1930s. Print

The article deals with the issues of labor organization in the industry of Dagestan in conditions of the socialist management based on the archival documents introduced for the first time. It is noted that the main producers of industrial products were state-owned enterprises. The quantitative and qualitative changes in the composition of the working class are highlighted which resulted from the industrial development of the republic in the 1930-s. Particular attention is drawn to measures undertaken to involve indigenous peoples in industrial production. The activity of labor inspection in the field of organization of the system of labor protection, improvement of working conditions at industrial enterprises is traced. On the example of the plant "Dagestan lights", the trades of "Dagrybtrest" it is shown how this problem was solved. Labor inspectorates were required to monitor the housing conditions of workers, the availability of clothing, timely and fully payment, food service, etc. To effectively combat injuries at industrial enterprises, the creation of safety commissions "Treugolnik (Triangle)" was proposed. They were to consist of a responsible person in safety engineering, a representative of the labor protection committee and a doctor or a paramedic of the first aid station. The author characterizes the role of trade unions in carrying out the collective agreement company, in providing training of skilled workers for industrial production. The shortcomings that have taken place in the system of FZU (factory apprenticeships) for the training of qualified national cadres are revealed. In conclusion, it is discussed that, despite some positive shifts in the organization of labor, in general it was not properly established at most industrial enterprises during the reviewed period in Dagestan.

Keywords: Dagestan, industry, labor organization, working class, labor inspection, collective agreements.



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