Nagieva M.K. The Training of National Staff in Dagestan in 1920s. Print

The article deals with the problem of training professional staff of specialists from representatives of indigenous peoples of Dagestan for the authorities and management of national autonomy at the initial stage of socialist construction. The extremely low level of economic development, the almost total illiteracy of the local population, and the acute shortage of educated cadres served as a serious obstacle to the implementation of the policy of korenizatsiya, which included, in particular, the active involvement of representatives of local peoples in the Party and Soviet government of the Dagestan ASSR. Their effectiveness largely depended on the level of literacy of the society and managerial training. The author traces the ways and methods of training managerial personnel. It was noted that at the initial stage, the staff deficit was partially replenished through the organization of training courses for specialists and then the creation of training centers, on the basis of which later technical schools and schools were established, which initiated the formation of the vocational education system in the republic. The personnel training was also carried out through targeted assignment of representatives of local peoples to the central educational institutions of the country. The administrative structures were provided with the necessary personnel also due to the involvement of specialists in pre-revolutionary Dagestan who expressed a desire to cooperate with the Soviet authorities. The author concludes that as a result of the purposeful work of the Soviet state for a short period of time, it was possible to provide Dagestan with the necessary personnel, to train specialists for various spheres, to provide personnel continuity, which positively affected the tasks of the socioeconomic development of the republic.


Keywords: the Soviet state, Dagestan, the national issue, the policy of korenizatsiya, training of staff, national staff.





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