Khoziev B.R. Human. Scientist. Personality. (Scientific Portrait of T. Guriev) Print

In the article an attempt is made to write a scientific and creative portrait of one of the organizers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the chief researcher of NOIHSS, the Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philology, Professor Tamerlan Alexandrovich Guriev. It highlights the importance of the work of the scientist in the field of Ossetian linguistics, onomastics, folklore, etymology and lexicology, his role in the theory and practice of the lexicographic description of the Ossetian language. T.A. Guriev drew attention to the unresolved problems of Ossetian studies, with all the difficulties of their comprehensive development. The fact that he had a thorough knowledge of his native Ossetian, Russian and Mongolian languages and also knew several Iranian, Slavic and Western European languages was of crucial importance in his research activity. While analyzing the scientific heritage of Guriev, the author focuses on the natural talent of the scientist, highlights his deep intellect, scientific erudition, passionate passion for his work, and notes the extraordinary breadth of interests, encyclopedic knowledge and the integrity of the scientific worldview. The article also substantiates Guriev's ability to work with young researchers and analyzes the contribution made by the scientists to the development of science as a chairman of the Association of Scientists of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Attention is focused on the activities of Guriev as a popularizer of science, his role in uniting and consolidating the writers of the republic, his publishing, translation and wide public activities.

Keywords: Tamerlan Alexandrovich Guriev, scientific heritage, Ossetian linguistics, Folklor studies, works on Lexicology, Etymology, Onomastics.



1. Guriev T.A. Vliyanie russkogo yazyka na razvitie osetinskoi leksiki v sovetskuyu epokhu [The influence of the Russian language on the development of Ossetian vocabulary in the Soviet era]. Thesis abstract of the candidate dissertation (in Philology). Moscow, 1954. 16 p.

2. Guriev T.A. K otsenke vliyaniya russkogo yazyka na osetinskii do Oktyabr'skoi revolyutsii [To the assessment of the influence of the Russian language on the Ossetian before the October Revolution]. Uchenye zapiski Severo-Osetinskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta im. K.L. Khetagurova [Proceedings of the K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute]. Series: Philological Sciences. 1958, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 327-330.

3. Guriev T.A. Vliyanie russkogo yazyka na razvitie osetinskoi leksiki [The influence of the Russian language on the development of Ossetian vocabulary]. Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian Book Publishing House, 1962. 116 p.

4. Agnaev A. Vliyanie russkogo yazyka na osetinskuyu leksiku [The influence of the Russian language on Ossetian vocabulary]. Sotsialisticheskaya Osetiya [Socialist Ossetia]. February16, 1963.

5. Guriev T.A. (ed.) Osetinskaya filologiya: Mezhvuzovskii sbornik statei [Ossetian Philology. Collected articles]. Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian State University, 1977, iss.1. 152 p.; 1981, iss. 2. 144 p.

6. Guriev T.A. (ed.) Problemy osetinskogo yazykoznaniya [Problems of Ossetian linguistics]. Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian Research Institute, 1984, iss. 1. 160 p.; Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian State University, 1987, iss. 2. 188 p.

7. Guriev T. (ed.) Iron nykhasy kul'turæ [Culture of the Ossetian speech]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1989, iss. 1. 180 p. (in Ossetian)

8. Guriev T. (ed.) Iron nykhasy kul'turæ æmæ stilistikæ [Culture and stylistics of the Ossetian speech]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies, 2001, iss. 2. 160 p.; 2006, iss. 3. 202 p. (in Ossetian)

9. Guriev T.A. Mezhdometie [Interjection]. Grammatika osetinskogo yazyka. T. 1: Fonetika, morfologiya [Grammar of the Ossetian language. Vol. 1. Phonetics, morphology. Ed. G.S. Akhvlediani]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1963, pp. 323-329.

10. Guriev T.A. Slovosochetanie kak predmet sintaksisa [Phrase as a subject of syntax]. Grammatika osetinskogo yazyka. T. 2: Sintaksis [Grammar of the Ossetian language. Vol. 2: Syntax. Ed. G.S. Akhvlediani]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1969, pp. 8-15.

11. Guriev T.A. Slovosochetanie s glagolom v roli glavnogo slova [A phrase with a verb in the role of the main word]. Grammatika osetinskogo yazyka. T. 2.: Sintaksis [Grammar of the Ossetian language. Vol. 2: Syntax. Ed. G.S. Akhvlediani]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1969, pp. 16-49.

12. Guriev T. and al. Nyrykkon iron ævzadzhy leksikologi [Lexicology of the modern Ossetian language]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1989. 144 p. (in Ossetian)

13. Guriev T.A. (ed.). Onomastika Kavkaza: Mezhvuzovskii sbornik statei [Onomastics of the Caucasus]. Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian State University, 1980. 192 p.

14. Guriev T.A. K voprosam onomastiki osetinskogo nartovskogo eposa [On issues of onomastics of the Ossetian Nart epic]. Osetinskaya filologiya: Mezhvuzovskii sbornik statei [Ossetian Philology/ Collected articles. Ed. T.A. Guriev]. Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian State University, iss. 1, pp. 38-48.

15. Guriev T.A. K metodike izucheniya onomastiki eposa [To the technique of studying the onomastics of the epic]. Problemy osetinskogo yazykoznaniya [Problems of Ossetian linguistics]. Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian State University, 1984. iss. 1, pp. 155-159.

16. Guriev T.A. Istoricheskaya osnova nekotorykh antroponimov v osetinskom nartovskom epose [The historical basis of some anthroponyms in the Ossetian Nart epic]. Fol'klor i istoricheskaya etnografiya [Folklore and historical ethnography]. Moscow, Nauka, 1983, pp.107-118.

17. Guriev T.A. K etimologii drevnego termina APSATI (AFSATI) [To the etymology of the ancient term APSATI (AFSATI)]. Etimologiya. 1985 [Etymology. 1985. Ed. O.P. Trubachyov]. Moscow, Nauka, 1988, pp.132-134.

18. Guriev T.A. K probleme sobstvennykh imen Nartiady [To the problem of the proper names of the Nartiada]. Problemy osetinskogo nartovskogo eposa [Problems of the Ossetian Nart epos]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies, 2000.

19. Guriev T.A. Nasledie skifov i alan: Ocherki o slovakh i imenakh [The legacy of Scythians and Alans: Essays on words and names]. Vladikavka, Ir, 1991. 173 p.

20. Guriev T.A. K probleme genezisa osetinskogo nartskogo eposa [On the problem of the genesis of the Ossetian Nart epic]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1971. 168 p.

21. Agnaev A. Slovo o nartskom epose [The word about the Nart epic]. Sotsialisticheskaya Osetiya [Socialist Ossetia]. January 20, 1972.

22. Tolkovyi slovar' russkogo yazyka. Posobie dlya uchashchikhsya natsional'nykh shkol [Dictionary of the Russian language. Allowance for students of national schools]. Leningrad, Prosveshchenie, 1982. 384 p.

23. Guriev T.A. Kratkii russko-osetinskii slovar' [Short Russian-Ossetian dictionary]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian State University, 1999. 192 p.

24. Guriev T.A. Kratkii osetinsko-russkii i kratkii russko-osetinskii slovar' [Short Ossetian-Russian and short Russian-Ossetian dictionary]. Vladikavkaz, Iryston, 2003. 260 p.

25. Guriev T.A. Kto est' kto v alanskoi Nartiade: Slovar' [Who is who in Alan Nartiada: Dictionary]. Vladikavkaz, 1999. 96 p.

26. Osetinsko-russkii slovar' [Ossetian-Russian dictionary]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies, 1993. 384 p.

27. Yudakin A.P. Guriev Tamerlan Aleksandrovich [Guriev Tamerlan Aleksandrovich]. Vedushchie yazykovedy mira: Entsiklopediya [Leading linguists of the world: Encyclopedia]. Moscow, Sovetskii pisatel', 2000. 918 p.

28. Yudakin A.P. Vedushchie yazykovedy Kavkazskogo regiona. Entsiklopediya [Leading linguists of the Caucasian region. Encyclopedia]. Moscow, Simvol “Ariadna”, 2002. 576 p.