Becolova E.B. Life in Sciense. Print



The name of Tamerlan Alexandrovich Guriev is widely known in scientific circles of Russia and abroad. The scientist, who left a bright trace in Ossetian studies, is an extraordinary personality, an example of selfless service to science. Doctor of Philology, Professor Tamerlan Alexandrovich Guriev – scientist-encyclopedist, fine researcher of the Ossetian language, literature, folklore, translator, publicist, critic, author of art works. The article contains a scientific and creative portrait of Professor T.A. Guriev, created on the detailed data on life and creativity, which make up the intellectual appearance of a great scientist and recognized organizer of science. Both the article and the given examples are convincing evidence of a real recognition of the professor's contribution to Ossetian studies and Russian science. Guriev was a scientist with an extraordinary breadth of the research range, a deep understanding of the internal structure of the language and a passionate champion of the national school; actively propagandized the national language, considering it the main individuality of the people. The native language, according to the professor, expresses the storehouse of his thoughts and feelings, therefore, for his preservation in the family and school, it is necessary to teach children at the initial stage in the Ossetian language. The process of studying languages should proceed consistently and organically: from native – to the Caucasian languages, from the study of their structures - to the theoretical problems of linguistics. When comparing languages, it is necessary to search for common properties of the objects to be compared, based on mental mechanisms, semantic features and cognitive parameters. Guriev-author was characterized by the breadth of linguistic vision, deep penetration into specific facts of the language, a subtle resolution of actual theoretical and practical problems.

Keywords: Ossetian studies, Caucasian studies, translation, bilingualism, vocabulary, lexicology.




  1. Guriev T.A. Nartovskii epos i problema etnogeneza osetin [Nart epic and the problem of ethnogenesis of Ossetians]. Etnogenez i etnicheskaya istoriya osetin, materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo kongressa (Vladikavkaz, 21-22 maya 2013 g.) [Ethnogenesis and ethnic history of Ossetians. Proceedings of International Scientific Congress (Vladikavkaz, May 21-22, 2013)]. Vladikavkaz, Ir, 2013, pp. 267–273.
  2. Guriev T.A. Vasiliy Ivanovich Abayev (K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [Vasily Ivanovich Abaev (To the 100th anniversary of his birth)]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies, 2000. 32 p.
  3. Guriev T.A. Lik bessmertnogo: Zhorzh Dyumezil' [The face of the immortal: Georges Dumézil]. Vladikavkaz, Alania, 2004. 66 p.
  4. Kambolov T.T. Ocherk istorii osetinskogo yazyka: uchebnoye posobiye dlya vuzov [Essay on the history of the Ossetian language: a textbook for high schools]. Vladikavkaz, Ir, 2006. 463 p.
  5. Guriev T.A. K kharakteristike mongolizmov v osetinskom (alanskom) yazyke [To the characteristic of Mongolism in the Ossetian (Alanian) language]. Voprosy iranskoy i obshchey filologii [Questions of Iranian and General philology]. Tbilisi, 1977, pp. 80-92.
  6. Guriev T.A. Sledy greko-skifskikh (alanskikh) kontaktov [Traces of Greco-Scythian (Alanian) contacts]. Voprosy iranistiki i alanovedeniya [Questions of Iranistics and Alan studies]. Vladikavkaz, 1990, pp. 21-22.
  7. Guriev T.A. Neskol'ko zamechaniy o proiskhozhdenii etnicheskogo termina ir [A few remarks on the origin of the ethnic term ir]. Sbornik izbrannykh statey [Collection of selected articles. Ed. сand. of philological sciences, docent Z.B. Dzherapova]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian State University, 2010, pp. 18-20.
  8. Guriev T.A., Gabaraev N.Ya., Isaev M.I. Nyrykkon iron ævzadzhy leksikologi [Lexicology of modern Ossetian language]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1989. 144 p. (in Ossetian)
  9. Guriev T.A. K probleme prevoskhodnoy stepeni v osetinskikh prilagatel'nykh [To the problem of an excellent degree in the Ossetian adjectives]. Osetinskaya filologiya [Ossetian philology]. Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian State University, 1984, pp. 56-61.
  10. Guyriaty Tamerlan. Literaturon nomy stilistikæiy tykhkhæi tsaldær fippainadzhy [A few comments on the stylistics of the literary name]. Iron nykhasy kul'turӕ ӕmӕ stilistikӕ [Culture and stylistics of Ossetian speech]. Dzaudzhikau, North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies, 2001, pp.4-15. (in Ossetian)
  11. Guyriaty Tamerlan. Arkhaizmty stilistikӕ ӕmӕ tӕlmats [Stylistics of archaisms and translation] Iron nykhasy kul'turӕ ӕmӕ stilistikӕ [Ossetian speech culture and stylistics]. Dzaudzhikau, North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies, 2001, pp. 83-88. (in Ossetian).
  12. Guyriaty Tamerlan. Tsaldаr etudy [Several etudes]. Iron nykhasy kul'turӕ ӕmӕ stilistikӕ [Ossatian speech culture and stylistics]. Dzaudzhikau, North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies, 2001, pp. 97-124. (in Ossetian)
  13. Guyriaty Tamerlan. Mality Georgiiy sfӕldystad uyryssag tӕlmatsty (tsaldӕr fippainadzhy) [Creativity of Georgiy Maliev in Russian translations (several remarks)]. Irӕf [Iraf].1996, no. 3, pp. 117-129. (in Ossetian)
  14. Guriev T.A. Arkhaizmy A.S. Pushkina v osetinskikh perevodakh [Archaisms of A.S. Pushkin in the Ossetian translations]. Pushkin i Kavkaz: istoriya i sovremennost'. Tezisy mezhvuzovskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (28-29 maya 1999 g.) [Pushkin and the Caucasus: history and modernity. Theses of the inter-university scientific-practical conference (May 28-29, 1999)]. Pyatigorsk, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, 1999, pp. 28-29.
  15. Guriev T.A. K probleme perevoda proizvedeniy A.S. Pushkina na osetinskiy yazyk [To the problem of the translation of works by A.S. Pushkin to the Ossetian language]. Pushkin i Kavkaz: istoriya i sovremennost'. Tezisy mezhvuzovskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (28-29 maya 1999 g.) [Pushkin and the Caucasus: history and modernity. Theses of the inter-university scientific-practical conference (May 28-29, 1999)]. Pyatigorsk, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, 1999, pp. 29-30.
  16. Khoziev B.R. Tamerlan Aleksandrovich Guriyev: nauchno-tvorcheskiy portret [Tamerlan Aleksandrovich Guriev: scientific and creative portrait. Ed. doct. of philological sciences, prof. Z.B. Dzodzikova]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies, 2013. 152 p.
  17. Karamshoev D.K., Guriev T.A. Osetinskoye «don» i pamirskoye «arDan»//«arDon» [Ossetian “don” and Pamir “arDon”]. Problemy osetinskogo yazykoznaniya [Problems of Ossetian Linguistics]. Ordzhonikidze, 1984, iss. 1, pp. 3-6.
  18. Guriev T.A. Etimologicheskiye zametki [Etymological notes]. Sbornik izbrannykh statey [Selected articles. Ed. cand. of philological science, docent Z.B. Jerapova]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian State University, 2010, pp. 239-243.
  19. Guyriaty Tamerlan. Iron anthroponymy ahsjiaag farstа // Sbornik izbrannykh statey [Collection of selected articles. Ed. cand. of philological sciences, docent Z.B. Dzherapova]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian State University, 2010, pp. 53-57.
  20. Guriev T.A. Iz istorii osetinskogo yazykoznaniya [From the history of Ossetian linguistics] Problemy osetinskogo yazykoznaniy. [Problems of Ossetian linguistics]. Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian State University, 1987, iss. 2, pp. 3-22.
  21. Guriev T.A. Etimologicheskiy sostav imon alan-asov kitayskikh letopisey [Etymological composition of the Alan-Asses names of Chinese chronicles]. Osetinovedeniye: istoriya i sovremennost': Pervaya mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (12-18 oktyabrya 1991 g.) [Ossetian studies: History and Modernity: The First International Scientific Conference (October 12-18, 1991)]. Vladikavkaz, 1991, pp. 36-37.
  22. Guriev T.A. Po sledam odnogo slova-migranta [In the footsteps of a single word-migrant]. Aktual'nyye problemy filologii i pedagogicheskoy lingvistiki [Actual problems of philology and pedagogical linguistics. Ed. cand. of philological sciences, docent T.Yu. Tamerian]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian State University, 2005, iss. VII, pp. 108-112.
  23. Guriev T.A. Ob odnom orfograficheskom kazuse [About one spelling incident]. Sbornik izbrannykh statey [Collection of selected articles. Ed. cand. of philological sciences, docent Z.B. Dzherapova]. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetian State University, 2010, pp. 185-188.
  24. Guriev T.A. K probleme internatsionalizatsii osetinskoy leksiki [On the problem of the internationalization of Ossetian vocabulary]. O yedinstve internatsional'nogo i ateisticheskogo vospitaniya: Sbornik nauchnyh statei [On the unity of international and atheistic education. Selected articles]. Ordzhonikidze, 1983, pp. 114-127.
  25. Guriev T.A., Tulatova Ye.A. Retsenzia na: G.M. Bongard-Levin, E.A. Grantovskiy. Ot Skifii do Indii: Zagadki istorii drevnikh ariyev. Moskva: Mysl', 1974 [Review: G.M. Bongard-Levin, E.A. Grantovsky. From Scythia to India: Mysteries of the history of ancient Aryans. Moscow, Mysl’, 1974]. Osetinskaya filologiya [Ossetian Philology]. 1977, iss. 1, pp. 132-136.
  26. Guriyev T.A. Retsenzia na: Z.D. Tskhovrebova. Toponimiya Yuzhnoy Osetii v pis'mennykh istochnikakh. Tbilisi, Metsniyereba, 1979. 182 p. [Review: Z.D. Tskhovrebova. Toponymy of South Ossetia in written sources. Tbilisi, Metsniereba, 1979. 182 p.]. Osetinskaya filologiya [Ossetian Philology]. 1981, iss. 2, pp. 136-137.