Kravchuk O.S. On the 130th anniversary of Ilas Arnigon Print

The presented publication is devoted to these two dates. The article traces the dramatic and tragic events of the life and work of this original Ossetian writer. The author notes that the life and creative way of Arnigon has not been the subject of special consideration so far. There are only a few articles that cover the basic facts of his biography. The presented material is an attempt to combine disparate biographical data, to give a more complete picture of the stages of its civil and creative development. Arnigon spent much of his conscious life far from Ossetia. The presented material is an attempt to combine disparate biographical data, to give a more complete picture of the stages of its civil and creative development. Arnigon spent much of his conscious life far from Ossetia. Like thousands of Ossetian youths, he left his father's house in search of a better life, and for many years lived in the Far East, Manchuria. The main purpose of the young man was not wealth: "I went North to find knowledge" and to return "to Ossetia strong as a lion", – he wrote in one of his poems. Nevertheless his efforts were labeled "nationalistic" and "counterrevolutionary". He was executed by a firing squad in 1938, at the age of 49. His literary legacy is not large, and only a small part of it is available for the readers. His life experience is summarized with metaphorical accuracy in Shamil Dzhigkaev's sonnet, that concludes the tragic life and destiny of the classic of Ossetian literature of the beginning of the XX century.

Keywords: Ilas Arnigon (Gazak Toguzov), Ossetian literature, Ossetian writer, poetry, repressed writers, Ossetian grammar


1.    Kodzati A. Ilas Ærnigon æmæ iæ lirikæ [Ilas Arnigon and his lyrics]. Arnigon I. Ærymys-iu mæn: Uacmystæ [Arnigon I. Remember me. Works]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1986, pp. 5–15. (In Ossetian)

2.    Cherdzhiev Kh.S. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Severo-Osetinskoi ASSR [National Economy of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1971, part 1. 169 p.

3.    Arnigon I. Ærymys-iu mæn: Uacmystæ [Remember me. Works]. Ordzhonikidze, Ir, 1986. 136 p. (In Ossetian)

4.    Tebiev Yu. “Ya sebya vinovnym ni v chem ne priznayu”. K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Ilasa Arnigona ["I do not admit my guilt in anything". On the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ilas Arnigon]. Sotsialisticheskaya Osetiya [Socialist Ossetia]. December 10–11, 1988.

5.    Ilas Ærnigon [Ilas Arnigon]. [electronic resource] URL:

6.    Tebiaty Yu. Nog ærmæg Ilas Ærnigony tykhkhæi [New materials about Ilas Arnigon]. Makh dug [Our era]. 1978, no. 10, pp. 102–106. (In Ossetian)

7.    Kodzati A. Rakæsæm næ сæstæi [Let's see with our eyes]. Demokraticheskaya Osetiya [Democratic Ossetia]. 1993, no. 15–16. (In Ossetian)

8.    Ardasenov Kh.N. Ocherki razvitiya osetinskoi literatury. Dooktyabr'skii period [Essays on the development of Ossetian literature. Pre-October period]. Ordzhonikidze, North Ossetian Publishing house, 1959. 287 p.

9.    Dzhykkaity Sh. Ækhsævy ærtytæ: æmdzævgætæ, balladatæ, poemætæ [Night bonfires: poems, ballads]. Dzauydzhykau, Ir, 1990. 335 p. (In Ossetian)