Dzaparova E.B. General and Special Issues of Literary Translation in T.A. Guriev’s Works: Translation of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin Print

In the present article for the first time the contribution of Tamerlan Alexandrovich  Guriev to the science of translation is evaluated, points of view of the famous Ossetian scientist on general and special issues of literary translation in his research works are  provided. On the example of translations of lyrical works by A. Pushkin, G. Maliev, W. Shakespeare T. A. Guriev's approach to solving the linguistic problems of literary translation is considered, particularly, transferring of archaic words, phraseological units, proper names, interjections in the translated text. Special attention is paid to the comparative analysis of “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A. S. Pushkin in the original and its translation into the Ossetian language. In the Ossetian-language version of  A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale T. A. Guriev managed to reproduce the genre features of the text, to preserve the elements of the original structure, its punctuation, the details of the narration. Careful approach to the reproduction of the language and form of the original verse allowed the translator to achieve structural and semantic correspondence in the translated text. Creative translator’s talent of T.A.Guriev is evident in the way he deals with archaic words, words-realities, idioms, evaluative lexemes. To transfer them the translator uses hyponymic translation, assimilated translation, explication, functional substitution, calques, mechanical transference and compensation method. The translation reflects the national-historical character, stylistic features of the original text. When translating archaisms translator Guriev resorted to the use of lexical equivalents in the translation, and compensated the unit of translation elsewhere to achieve balance. The translation transformations made it possible to preserve in the translation the communicative equivalence of the original text, one of the dominant components of literary translation.

Keywords: literary translation, fairy tale, A.S. Pushkin, T.A. Guriev, translation transformation, stylistic modification, calque, compensation, phraseology, word-reality, archaism.


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