Ktsoeva S.G. “Descent into Hell” vs “The Legend of the Great Guest”: Christian Dogma in the Ethno-Religious System of the Ossetians Print

The article is devoted to the analysis of the Christian interference into the original ethno-religious system of the Ossetians. V. Miller in his “Ossetian etudes” referred to B. Gatiev’s work where the legend about Barastyr is narrated. This ruler of the world of the dead at the request of the “great guest” released sinners from the hell and welcomed them to the paradise. V.Miller suggested that this legend reflects the Christian dogmatic tradition of the Descent of Jesus Christ into hell. He, however, did not develop this hypothesis, and, to some extent, the present study is a scientific verification of this hypothesis. The analysis of the plot allows us to state with certainty its Christian basis. The undertaken comparative study of the Ossetian legend and Christian dogma revealed both coincidences and discrepancies between the separate elements of the legend with the canonical gospel. This necessitated addressing the Old and New Testament apocrypha, which relate this event.  The present analysis leaves little doubt about the accuracy of Millerʼs guess. The reference to non-canonical texts in the course of this study is also due to the meagerness of references to the Descent into hell. The analysis of the non-canonical Gospels in the course of the comparative study contributed to its significant objectification, as a result of which the article highlights the problem of apocryphal borrowings. Judging by the small number of publications, this problem is one of the least investigated in the Ossetian studies. In addition, the materials of the comparative study helped to identify the third, unexpected object of analysis – the Jewish elements in the religious pre-Easter ritual («sufæhæræn æхsæv») among Ossetians. This made it possible to extend the research beyond the actual worldview scope to the other field of the religious system – ethno-religious cult practice.

Keywords: V. Miller, B. Gatiev, ethnic religion of Ossetians, Christianity, Descent of Jesus Christ into hell, “the legend of the great guest”, apocrypha.


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