Narozhnyi E.I. V.N. Tatishchev and Catherine II: the First Steps in the Study of Medieval Monuments of the North Caucasus Print

The article considers a document of 1768 with the autograph of Catherine the Great, telling about her incognito travelling (1742) to a number of medieval monuments of the North Caucasus. On the basis of data of the early XXth century historian N.F. Katanov, who rightly pointed to the three facts in the document when the empress narrated from the “man’s perspective”, the article verifies his presumption that this information was “copied by empress” from some another source. Comparison of the mention of Golden Horde Majar, legends of the ataman A. Shadra and other data allows to suggest that the data of the document could be borrowed from V.N. Tatishchev. Today this assumption is supported also by the find of an almost identical text in the Tatishchev‘s “Russian History”. The comparison of the texts of the empress’ document and the fragment from the Russian historian’s work clearly explains the reasons for Catherine narrating from the “man’s perspective”. This also highlights the necessity for further investigation (in prospective) of the data stating reasons and time when Kizlyar, Tatartup, “Yulat” and other monuments of the region were visited.

Keywords: works of Catherine the Great, Bolgar, North Caucasus, Majar, Kizlyar, V.N. Tatishchev, beginning of the North Caucasus studies.


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