Kusaeva Z.K., Sattsaev E.B., Takazov F.M. Dzhalgan and Dzhalganians: Synthesis of Persian and Alanian Сomponents (by the materials of the folklore-ethnographic and linguistic expedition of June 14-18, 2016) Print

It is believed that there are no white spots at the ethnic map of Russia. However, the gaps are identified in the identification of separate ethnic societies with well-known in modern science ethnocultural groups. The villagers of Dzhalgan of the Derbent region of the Republic of Dagestan are pertained to them. The aim of folklore-ethnographic and linguistic expedition was to reveal linguistic affiliation of the Dzhalgan habitants, study their traditional culture and determine the degree of Dzhalgan-Ossetian cultural similarities. Language of Dzhalganians is converged with Farsi, and their traditional culture – with the culture of Ossetians. Many elements of traditional culture of Dzhalganians have analogies in the traditional culture of Ossetians, which, however, cannot be attributed as the typological convergences. In the religious beliefs of Dzhalganians veneration of sanctuaries and their patrons take a significant place. The system of sanctuaries and worship of their patron spirits are paralleled with traditional Ossetian religious beliefs. Like Ossetians, around the sanctuaries the oral stories appeared, intended to persuade a listener in the sanctity of the holy places and inevitability of punishment for violator of sacredness. The role of dreams is significant too, as they convince the sanctity of the place or cause for a new Pir, as Dzhalganians name both the very sanctuary and its spirit-patron. The etiquette norms of Ossetians and Dzhalganians are largely similar, not finding parallels among the other peoples of the Derbent region. Direct analogies can be seen in wedding rites that can be characterized as a mix of the Dagestan and “Ossetian” wedding rituals. The explanation for this synthesis is given by the historical data, according to which Persians and Alans participated in the genesis of Dzhalganians.

Keywords: Dzhalgan, ethnography, traditional culture, language Dzhalganian, Pir.


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