Tuaeva B.V., Tuaev S.A. On the Question of Social-Economic Development of the North Caucasus: the Federal Strategy and Regional Possibilities Print

The article examines the socio-political aspect of realization of the Strategy of development of the North-Caucasian Federal District till 2025. The analysis of the labor market in the subjects of the District is made, the data on the quality of life, welfare and economic wellbeing of population is revealed. The data for the region is generalized, as presented by the Committees on employment, Ministries of labor and social protect, and other profile institutions of the Stavropol Region, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Republic of Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Chechen Republic, Karachay-Cherkes Republic, Republic of Ingushetia. The authors analyze the results of the first stage of realization of the Federal Strategy and Program of development of the North-Caucasus.

Keywords: North-Caucasus, Strategy of socio-economic development of the North-Caucasian Federal District, social programs, economic wellbeing of population, Employment Service, Ministries of Labor and Social Protect, Russian Ministry of North Caucasus Affairs.


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