Khubulova S.A. Questionnaires as the Part of the Source Base for Studying of Socio-Legal Status of Former Red Partisans of Ossetia (1920-1930) Print

The paper pioneers examination of questionnaires as nonconventional sources on the history of the post-war everyday life of former red partisans of Ossetia. Great attention is paid to the originality of the source, its informational potential. Application of the content analysis allowed conducting a socio-demographic analysis of the deposited material, to study the behavior and activity of combatants during the civil war and in the postwar period. The problem of integration of red partisans into the postwar society, their sometimes stressful relations with the Soviet power was mainly rooted in their social origin and attitude. The study of the social composition of the guerrilla movement in Ossetia gave rather complete information on the categories of the population, joined the ranks of the supporters of the Bolsheviks: a certain part of peasants, Cossacks, workers and intellectuals became red partisans. The postwar adaptation of warheroes to the new economic policy, collectivization was painful, and this was indicated in the questionnaires. The latter allow tracing the main trends in filling by the combatants of different social niches, as well as career growth or lack of it, etc. Red partisans, even more than other social strata of the new society, reacted to the excesses in the policy of the Bolsheviks in the agrarian and social issues. Combatant reflections often resulted in participation in the anti-kolkhoz movement.

Keywords: war, partisans, daily, profile, privileges, adaptation, social lift.


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