Dzalaeva K.R. Russian School as a Fundamental Mechanism for Dessiminating All-Russian Identity in Ossetia in the Second Half of the XIXth – the Beginning of the XXth c. |
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The article discusses the problem of the expansion of Russian national identity in the period of the post-reform modernization in the second half of XIX – early XX century, which was crucial for military-strategic and wellbeing within Russia. The object of research is Russian school as a socio-cultural mechanism for the rooting of Russian national identity in Ossetia, where this process was the most effective. Number of archival sources, pre-revolutionary periodical press publications, and recent literature on the problem were studied during the work. The author concludes that the process of approval of Russian national identity in Ossetia in particular and in the North Caucasus as a whole was of great strategic importance for the foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Empire; leading role in this process belonged to the Russian school, which was implemented not only educational, but also pedagogical, ideological, consolidating functions in the Ossetian society; Ossetians have realized the benefit of the Russian school and revealed a phenomenal interest in education; Russian school promoted the transformation of identity assertion and Ossetians among them the foundations of Russian statehood and identity. Keywords: Ossetia, Russia, Russian national identity, socio-cultural mechanism, Russian school, education, self-identification.
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