Dalgat E.M., Salikhova L.B. Industrial Petrovsk Print

The process of formation and development of industry in the town of Petrovsk of the Dagestan region is reviewed in the present article. It is noted that Petrovsk, as well as the town of Temir-Khan-Shura, was a young town, being transformed from Russian military fortifications in the 50s – 60s years of the XIX century. The third town of the region – Derbent – had a centuries-old history. It is shown that Petrovsk originally was planned as a commercial and industrial center of Dagestan, as it is indicated by “Regulation on the management of the port town of Petrovsk”. It had to revitalize the north-western coast of the Caspian Sea, make Petrovsk the transit center of trade with Central Asia and Persia. The role of the seaport and the Dagestan branch of the Vladikavkaz railway in the development of industry in the Petrovsk, appearance and development of factory enterprises in the town are reviewed in the article. Special attention is paid to the cotton factory “Caspian manufactory”, the largest in the North Caucasus, whose products were exported to Persia, Central Asia. The work of small industrial enterprises is shown. It is pointed out in the article that fishing industry took a prominent place in the economy of Petrovsk, in this branch the main role was played by Russian industrialists and the main labor force were fishermen from the Volga region. The formation of the working class from the indigenous population is highlighted. This happened at the enterprises of factory industry, on the railway, fisheries. Dagestanians took over the production experience from highly skilled Russian workers. The authors conclude that the development of industry in Petrovsk and in Dagestan as a whole was the result of the development of Russian capitalism in breadth. Mainly manufacturing was developed in Petrovsk. There was small commodity production and large-scale machine industry, based on the Russian capital. Many industrial enterprises appeared by the initiative of the Russian bourgeoisie and in accordance with the needs of the Russian market.

Keywords: Russian Empire, Petrovsk, “Caspian manufactory”, fishing industry, capitalism.


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