Marzoev I.T. Donifars and the Social Status of the Families of Gaguata |
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The origin of one of the unions of privileged families of the North Ossetian Digorian society became a focus of scientific interest and complex analysis for the first time. The historical and genealogical research of the Ossetian feudal families of the Alievs, Asseevs, Elbievs, Kabanovs, Kanukovs, Kobegkaevs, Naifonovs and Khoranovs is presented, as based on the archival sources and the data of travelers and researchers. The social and kinship relations of the representatives of these families with aristocracy of the other Ossetian societies and the neighboring Caucasian peoples, Kabardians and Balkarians, are revealed. The participation of emigrants of gaguata in the second half of the XIX century migration to Turkey is investigated. The historical fates of the representatives of these families in the XIX – early XX century, in the era of revolution transformations in Russia and Caucasus, are also investigated. The research materials significantly expand the existing notions about the Ossetian aristocracy, and promote deeper and renewed study of genealogy of Ossetian families. Keywords: Russia, Caucasus, North Ossetia, privileged estate, family, marriage, muhajirun, revolution.
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