Keywords: Ossetian language, vocabulary, semantics, verbal nomination, contextual semantics.
The article is devoted to the study of the mechanisms of contextual variation of the internal semantics of the word and the ways they are realized in the language. The linguistic status, grammatical differences and heterogeneity of the vocabulary of the Ossetian language require different methods and approaches to their study, guided by the understanding of these features, consideration of contextual semantics in these articles limited to verbal lexemes as one of the types of nominative units. Based on the analysis of simple and complex verbal formations, both outside and inside the context, their semantic potential and options for its full disclosure were identified. By the method of simultaneous analysis of the actual lexical and contextual semantics of verbal nominations, the mechanisms for the emergence of secondary semantic hues, the complete or partial change of the internal semantics are identified, and the most productive ways of implementing communicative tasks with their help are identified. The cognitive approach used in this study made it possible to determine that the most accessible and at the same time productive method is a special affixal word formation, in which the prefixal method prevails. In performing the basic word-building function, the prefixes in the Ossetian language can change the pragmatic orientation of the word, give the performed action additional connotative meanings and regulate its intensity and strength. In addition, with their help, the direction of the committed action is expressed in relation to the speaker, as well as the attitude and emotional evaluation of the speaker regarding this action, the most striking of which are cases of logical-semantic divergence of the root morpheme with the selected affix. As special forms of lexical formations, compound verb nominations are noted, the semantic part of which is formed by adding up two separate concepts, complicated by a special affixing design. Such verb formations are attributed by us as author’sexclusive formations with high degree of figurativeness and are identified as transpositional variants that are prone to changing linguistic status when moving from a lexical unit to a phraseological one and vice versa.

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