Keywords: participle, dependent taxis, functional-semantic field, aspect-taxic situations, temporal relationship, motivation relationship.

The system of participles in the Ossetian language has not been yet comprehensively investigated. There are no special works where the categories of participles, their grammatical characteristics, their grammatical categories of aspect, tense or mood have been subjected to thorough analysis. The identification of all distinctive features of Ossetian participles in comparison with the system of the ones in the Russian language is relevant for the given article. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the Russian and the Ossetian languages belong to different groups within a single Indo-European language family and differ in the degree of predominance of elements of analyticism in the expression of grammatical meanings; secondly, in the conditions of Ossetian-Russian bilingualism there is active interaction of the Russian and Ossetian languages, which is obviously reflected in the system of participles. The scientific novelty of the research is based on the description of all the variety of aspect-taxic situations in the constructions of dependent taxis with participles in the Ossetian language in comparison with Russian. The aspect and lexical meaning of the participial forms are taken into account, and the place of Ossetian participles in the functional semantic field of taxis is identified. The analysis revealed that the participle, being the exponent of the meanings of the dependent taxis, belongs to the more distant periphery of the functional-semantic field of the dependent taxis in Ossetian as compared to the participle in Russian. This is due to the fact that they are much less regular, less specialized in the expression of the attributive function. The expression of taxis meanings for future participles expressing the modality of expediency seems not to be significant at all. The characteristic features of the constructions of dependent taxis with participles in Ossetian are determined: chronological relations between the participial action and the action of the main predicate are rarely complicated by the relations of causation, i.e. by cause-effect relationships, meanwhile, this phenomenon is quite frequent in Russian; the spectrum of taxis meanings expressed by participles is narrower in Ossetian than in Russian.

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